the better option (andy) - Sarah

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You’re in New York, visiting since the first time since 5th grade. You’re in the front of the line, about to get into the Empire State building. As you got into the elevator, your boyfriend rudely grabbed your hand and pulled you to stand in the corner.

            “Spencer. Stop it right now,” you turned to him sharply. Spencer hated shopping, watching plays, walking, and shopping. Yet after months of nagging, you guys took the 3 hour drive to New York City, and he had been in a terrible mood ever since. You and Spencer had been together for almost a year, and lately you felt your relationship spiraling down. But you loved him, and couldn’t let go.

            The second the elevator door opened he shoved through everyone and out the door. There were two boys right in front of him, and he knocked one of them over. You ran out to the man laying on his back, and crouched next to him, his friend on the other side. They were both laughing hysterically still from their conversation before.

            “I’m so sorry, sir,” you said, offering your hand and helping him to his feet. He was wearing sunglasses, a beanie, a blue shirt and jeans.  The other one had hair to right about his cheekbone, and he was wearing a NY sweatshirt and jeans and sunglasses. You stood there talking for a minute. They were both from England and they were trying to copy your accent. You started walking backwards, saying your goodbyes when you stepped on someone’s toe.

            “God DAMN it. Where the hell have you been?!” Spencer started yelling at you.

            “Spencer, what is your problem?” you asked blatantly, done with this bullshit.

            “All you do all day is work or study and then relax by going out with your friends. And then you drag me on this trip which you KNEW I wouldn’t enjoy. That’s my problem,” he snapped, looking away.

            “For God’s sake,” you muttered, walking away as tears welled up in your eyes. As you walked the other way, the two boys were staring with their eyebrows raised. You looked down and walked straight ahead.

            You leaned across the railing and overlooked New York City. It was truly beautiful. You blinked away your tears and wiped them away quickly. In a second, Spencer was next to you, looking in the same direction as you. You took a deep sigh and turned to him.

            “I’m sorry for bringing you here. I didn’t realize you wouldn’t enjoy it, and it was selfish of me. I’m in a very important stage of my career, and I can’t put all my focus on you. I don’t think you can handle that right now.” There was a minute of silence before he turned around, with mixed expressions on his face.

            “Are you breaking up with me?” he asked.

            “No,” you said. You weren’t ready to let go of him. “But I think you should go back. You’re not enjoying yourself, and I feel terrible. And don’t you for a second think I’m going to leave my city experience behind. So you go ahead.” He reluctantly agreed. At around 4, he packed his stuff, and arranged for your flight back on Saturday, in 5 days. He gave you a long kiss goodbye and apologized. Then he was gone.

            You were relieved. Now you could enjoy yourself. You were watching the lion king in 2nd row, and your show started in an hour. You took a shower and curled your hair, did your make up, and slipped on a golden shimmery dress that was about mid-thigh, and a matching pair of flats. You made your way downstairs, and waited for a cab outside.

            You heard loud laughter from behind you and found the two boys there again. The one with the long hair stopped laughing and smiled and walked over to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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