Like most Christians, I was never always a Christian. Nowadays i don't remember a time when I wasn't a Christian as I was two years old when I wasn't, so I guess you could say this is my family's testimony.
My mum married my dad who wasn't a Christian. They had two daughters (my older sister and me). Two years after I was born, my parents had another baby. A little baby boy, November 29 2007. He appeared to be a healthy flawless baby and everything was going so well.
7 days in, he started having fits and seizures, my parents were extremely unaware of where this could have came from, we had no family with a medical history of fits. Worried sick, my parents took my brother to hospital.
At the hospital, not much changed at all. He had scans done but the doctors were unaware of what the causes could be. During one of his seizures my mother received a phone call from one of our senior pastors form a global church. The senior pastor said a pastor form our are will call us to pray.
About 20 minutes later the pastor called and my parents joined hands and prayed. My father, not being a christian, did not pray just kept his eyes open looking at my little brother. During the prayer my brother had his worst seizure yet and after around 2 minutes it stopped. After the prayer my mother asked my dad if he had another fit and my dad said yes but it stopped quickly and abruptly.
The doctor's were extremely confused and kept him for an over night observation, worried about his health as he was showing no sign of improving just moments earlier.
All night there was not even a single seizure and all the scans came out positive! He was healed and my father witnessed it.
I thank God so much for that day. Without that day there would be a possibility my brother would not be here today, without that day I would not be who I am today. And without that day I would not be writing this today.
My messages are always open, for any prayer requests, the next chapter you'd get to know about me and where this led our family.
My Experiences (christian)
SpiritualThis is a book on my experiences and encounters with Jesus. I hope to encourage people with this book. Give this book a chance, christian or not, I want to be able to pass on my knowledge and help you see the only flawless person that I have met🙏🏽