03. The Siren's Name

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⊰ T H R E E ⊱


After Yoongi left, I struggled to figure out what I should do. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook looked at me impatiently, awaiting my orders. However, I couldn't stop my gaze from traveling back to the siren. His breathing was shallow, his chest rising faintly with each inhale. Then I remembered he was shot and began searching for his wound.

"Where did you guys shoot him?" I asked, not seeing any blood.

Taehyung shrugged. "I think Hoseok is the one who hit him."

I nodded, part of me wishing we hadn't needed to hurt them. I knew it was necessary, but their ethereal beauty made it difficult to feel at peace about it.

"Alright, Jin and Namjoon, I want you two to go fill some buckets with seawater and bring them back here. Jungkook, go get some of the rum. Tae, bring me our medical supplies. I'm not sure how bad his wound might be." When I finished speaking, the boys nodded and muttered under their breath. They all began leaving the room and I nodded at Jin as he handed me a lantern on his way out.

Now that I was alone with the siren, I felt my curiosity take hold of me. I looked toward his unconscious figure once again and decided it wouldn't hurt if I tried to find the gunshot wound. The faster I could patch him up, the better. I was hoping I could get it done before he awoke. If he did happen to gain consciousness while I was in there, the trusty dagger inside of my boot was always within reach.

Looking around the room, my eyes landed on the keys that hung on a nail in the wall. I quickly grabbed the keys, wasting no time in unlocking the cell door. Carefully stepping over his large, glimmering black tail, I closed the door behind me. I made my way over to where he laid with his back against the wall.

Seeing him up close, I felt an odd wave of attraction come over me. It was like some invisible force urged me to reach out and touch him. I did my best to fight against it as I reminded myself that sirens use their alluring aura to catch their prey.

Kneeling down beside him, I carefully searched for any sign of blood. Not seeing anything, I hesitantly reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder. I starting moving him forward to expose his back and my gaze landed on a dark, bloodied gash on his shoulder blade, finding that the bullet had only grazed him.

As I adjusted my grip to get a better look, my hand was snatched away, and I gasped at the sudden movement. My wrist was held tightly in his grip, both of our hands raised in the space between our chests. I looked up from our hands and met his brown, feline eyes.

He stared with intensity, and I swore I could see a hundred different thoughts swarm across his gaze, though I couldn't place them. It was impossible to tear my eyes from his, even as I felt him release my wrist. I stilled while he carefully leaned closer to me, tilting his head to the side in interest. His lips parted and I thought he was about to speak, but he quickly leaned back against the wall as footsteps sounded in the distance.

"I got the medicine— what the hell?" Tae raised his voice upon seeing me in the cell and dropped the bag he was carrying. I winced at the loud volume.

"Tae, just calm down—"

"Get out of there right now! How could you be so reckless?" he exclaimed as he rushed to the cell door. He started opening it, but I whisper-shouted at him.

"Stop! Just stay back and stop shouting! The calmer we are, the calmer he'll be." I looked back at the siren to see that he was still staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face. I awkwardly cleared my throat, feeling my cheeks grow warm under his gaze.

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