KBAGL2: Chapter 1

93 8 3

5 Years Later

Rebecca Pov:

"you took whats mine. So im taking whats yours!" *POW* *POW*

My eyes shot open as i sat up. I let out a sigh of relief as i looked around the all white room. i placed my head in my hands and shook my head side to side. I got up and walked over to the bathroom, and took care of all my hygiene in 10 minutes. I walked out the bathroom with a tank top and some shorts. I walked down the stairs as i held on to the rail. I looked over and seen my beautiful 2 year old son jj. i sneaked up behind him quietly and started tickling him causing him to roll on the carpet. He was laughing so hard and could barely breath. i laughed lightly and stopped tickling him. i felt someone come behind me and wrap their arms around my waist. I flinched at first till i realized who it was. "morning babe." my boyfriend Armani said as he kissed my cheek. i turned around and smiled. "morning." i responded as i walked over to the kitchen. "Im going out later to make a deal with some people." i said as i made a bowl of cereal. "what deal?" he asked a he picked jj up off the floor.

"i told you about this last week." i said as i rolled my eyes. "I must have not been paying attention." he said. "well that's tuff" i responded as i continued to eat my cereal. "Can you drop jj off at daycare, I have to get ready soon." i asked as i continued eating my cereal. "Yea, But you gotta pick him up."he said as he placed jj on the couch. "Alright" i responded. I went up the stairs and got dressed. I put on a white turtleneck and tucked it into my dark blue high waist jeans. I put on my all white fur coat, that stopped at the sides of my breasts. I put on my white high heels and grabbed my white MK purse. I placed the strap across my chest, grabbed my keys, and my sunglasses and walked down the stairs and out the door. I unlocked the door to my car and began driving to my location. I got there in 10 minutes. When i arrived i noticed there was a man in a suit standing in front of the building so i walked up to him. "excuse me, but who are you?" i asked "Jamal, im the new bodyguard." he said as he smiled and opened the door. i smiled back and walked into the building thanking him. After about 3 minutes i finally reached the meeting room. I walked in and it looked as if everyone was already seated. I walked over to my seat and and sat down, as i placed my bag on the floor next to me. i took a in a deep breath and released it as i put my hands on the table. "Alright so lets get into it." i said with a smile. "We would like to sell our products on your side of town." A light skin man replied while stroking his beard. "If you want to sell on our side, i want 60%" i said firmly. "60? don't you think that's a bit much?" he said with a slightly surprised look on his face. "fine, 50%"I replied. "30" he said as he leaned back in his chair. " "50%, That's my final offer. Take it or leave it."

i said while leaning forward with my hands on the table and my fingers interlocked. He hesitated for a second. "Deal." he replied as he held put his hand for a handshake. "Great we'll be in touch." i said as i smiled and grabbed my bag. Before i could stand up, someone walked in. "sorry, am i late?" He said as he walked in and took a seat. I recognized that voice, I looked up and my eyes widened. I quickly put my sunglasses on and got up and walked out the door. I reached my car within minutes, but before i could even unlocked it i felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and realized who it was. "I don't mean to come off as a weirdo or anything, but you look extremely familiar." He said. I put my head down took off my glasses slowly then slowly brought up my head facing him and looking him in his eyes. His eyes widened once our eyes met. "I cant believe it." he said in shock. "Hi Jacob."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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