Chapter 1

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                                                                       ****Chapter 1****

Jennifer Carson groaned, as she tried to untangle herself from a chaos of blankets. Her fingers were helplessly finding their way to the bedside table, only to discover suprising emptiness instead of her alarm clock. Where was it ? Jennifer tried to remember but couldn't recall anything from her blurred mind. 

As she was about to sink back deeper into the pillows, she gasped and sat up, blinking desperatley, trying to get used to the humid darkness. This wasn't her room. Would it be, everything would be in its place, she would know where everything was.

Thankfully, Jennifer could slowly make out the outlines of furniture around her. The room wasn't big, on her right was an old fashioned wooden closet, to her left she could see an old scruffy couch.

Panic cursed through Jennifers veins, making it nearly impossible to breathe. Where was she ? How did she get here ? Stop, Jennifer told herself firmly. She wasn't going to freak out. She wasn't going to stay here and wonder. She wouldn't. This wasn't the first time she was in this situation anyway. No big deal.

With a low moan Jennifer got up, her aching limbs protesting with an unpleasant crackling sound. As she stood unsteady on her feet, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, taking her by suprise so that it cost her a lot of self control to not sink back into bed. Her head was throbbing painfully and although Jennifer was used to hangovers she couldn't help cursing all the drinks she had the night before.

Slowly Jennifer started making her way to the wooden door next to the sofa, trying to avoid all the clothes which where sprawled all over the floor. As she looked closer, she realised bewildered that some of them where hers along with some male clothes...and got a short flashback of herself and a guy stumbling into the room last night, stripping off each others clothing as they went, kissing hungrily, eager to feel his skin on hers.

With that memory, Jennifer looked down at herself and noticed she wasn't wearing anything but her lacy black thong. Quickly she snatched the first thing she saw of the ground and pulled it over her head, pulling it down and covering her slender body. She had picked the guy's T-Shirt, it was a dull black with faint grey patterns sprawled all over it. The sleeves were so long they nearly reached Jennifers elbows, the length of the T-Shirt just about covering her bum. She pulled out her long straight brown hair from beneath the fabric, setting it free so it could flow down to her chest in tangled streaks.

Jennifer opened the door and looked out on a chaotic corridor, plastic cups lay around everywhere along with empty cans of beer and energy drinks, some Tequila bottles and.. toilet paper. On tiptoes jennifer made her way through the mess noticing in disguist that the floor was sticky, her feet making a sickly sound everytime they left the ground.

The corridor led her to the living room which looked, if possible, even worse than the corridor. Also here  the room was bombarded with bottles, cans and cups, the bitter smell of alcohol hanging heavily in the air, making Jennifer want to throw up. About eight people were in the room, sleeping or passed out she couldnt tell. Some were squished on a big couch, many were sprawled on the carpet, and some were even leaning against the walls. They all looked like they needed a shower. Breathing deeply through her mouth she went across the room and into the kitchen, desperatley hoping to find coffee.

Just now she heard the sharp clatter from dishes, revealing someones presence. It was Katie. She had her back to Jennifer as she was making herself breakfast. Jennifer already wanted to back out again. The last thing she wanted was make pointless smalltalk. But it was too late already and Katies head turned around, her big round eyes flashing in suprise,

" Oh hey! I didnt expect to see you awake. Well, I didn't expect anyone to, they sort of look all dead to me." a wide cheeky grin spread across her round face, " Seems like you were pretty lucky, huh ? hooking up with the guy throwing the party. You got to sleep in his comfortable bed." Katy winks.

I ignore her and step into the kitchen, opening and closing all draws, searching for coffee.

Katy just keeps on chattering, not even in the slightest bit disencouraged of my behaviour. She sits on the counter, munching cereal, speaking with her mouth full, her eyes following me,

" Was Drew any good ? Since he started at T.J. High in March every girl I know wanted to get off with him except me, of course, he is so not my type-" 

" Is there any coffee ? " Jennifer interrupted her desinterested, not looking at her. She got tired of searching.

Katy was taken aback a few seconds but then her eyes fixed on something behind Jennifer, amusement flickering in her expression,

" Oh I don't know. Why don't you just ask Drew yourself ? "

Jennifer whirled around. A guy who must be Drew stood in the doorway. He had a lanky body build, his dirty blonde curls were falling into his face. His dark brown eyes glistened erotically as he scanned Jennifer from head to toe, a smug smirk playing with his lips. Yes, he was hot.

" If you are searching for coffee, it is in here. " He walked across the kitchen in a long legged stride, bent down and opened a draw underneath the counter. As Drew came back up, he handed Jennifer a small package with instant coffee powder. " Here you go. " he smiled at her. Jennifer didn't.

She turned around and started to boil water in a kettle, when she felt Drew's arms wrapping around her waist. He whispered seductively into her ear, 

" You should really wear my clothes more often, it's sexy. " He turned her around so that their faces were only inches apart. " And this T-Shirt really reveals your long provocative legs. " Jennifer avoided looking him in the eyes. She pushed him away firmly and turned around again. She poured the boiling water in a cup. Drew was the least she cared about.

There was an awkward silence but Jennifer pretended  not to notice as she added the coffee powder and the milk to the cup. Katy had finished eating but was silent, her back leaned against the wall as she watched the situation, amused.

Finally, Drew cleared his throat,

" I am off to school now. Anyone want a lift ? " He looked quickly from Jennifer to Katy.

" Oh no thanks ! I came with my own car. " Katy said as she found her voice again.

Drew didn't wait for Jennifers reply, he was already out the door, shouting a " See you guys at school ! " over his shoulder. Katy didn't say anything until they heard an engine roaring up on the car park.

" Wow, what was that all about ? First you sleep with him and then you reject him in the morning. Very sassy ! " Katy figured, a false grin playing with the corners of her mouth. Obviously Katy didn't care more about Drew than Jennifer did.

Jennifer set the empty cup on the counter, still ignoring her. She really needed the bathroom. She turned to go but froze on the spot when she heard Katy murmuring,

" I mean seriously Jen... "

Jennifer tensed all over, the first time this morning, she looked directly into Katy's face, piercing her eyes like sharp icicles.

" Don't ever call me like that. " Jennifer spat.

Katy's eyes were widened in shock and she could only stutter a faint apology. Without giving her another glance, Jennifer walked out of the room. On her way to the bathroom, she kept whispering to herself,

" Only Nate can. "

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