Welcome to the underground

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To my death?


Y o u r POV

Golden flowers, i was surrounded by golden flowers...

Where am i?
I sat upright, i didnt feel a thing, no pain, not even my ankle was sprained...

Thats when i noticed i was in a completely different outfit...

I had a long almost dress like jumper on, it was balck with two red stripes going across my chest, i had on black ripped jeans with a chain hanging out from the pocket, oh darn does this remind me of my Edgy stadge.

I also had red trainers on, i looked around, there was a pile of trash on the floor, standing up, i walked over to the pile.

Most if it was junk, like a Boot, old news paper ect, but what caught my eye was what looked like a flower crown, made out of golden flowers, i put it ontop of my hair, i wasnt feeling any bugs crawling inyo my hair, yet.


I froze up, what was that?
It sounded like a male voice, squeaky and shaky, it sounded like it was scared.

I slowly looked around, no, no one was there.
Am i going mad? This is all a dream isnt it! Yeah, that would explain why i felt no pain!

"Y-your a Human, aren't Y-ya!"

It was the same voice, there was nothing there once again! Only the pile of trash i was kneeling down next to, and the golden flowers sparkling in the surface sunlight.

Then i felt something, wraping around my leg, it felt like a spiky plant vine.

I imminently jumped up trying to kick the vine off me, i tripped over the old boot and landed in the pile of flowers.

I saw it, it was a golden flower... With a mother trucking face!

I was screaming on the inside but remained silent...

"A-are you gonna h-h-hurt me...?"
The petals tucked closer to its face in fear

That caused me to speak
"Of Course not! I was just surprised, ive never seen a- whatever you are..."

His petals went back to normal, no longer tucked up next to his face,  even tho being ripped up, he seemed Determined.

"w-well! If your not gonna hurt me! T-that WILL make my job easier! P-prepare to die!"

Stilling being sat on the groumd i shivered in fear, i decided to stand up.

"O-once i have your soul! Ill be able to get my revenge! A-and escape!"

Then little white bullets surrounded me, everything went back, and there was a little red heart that was floating on fround of me


"That, dingus, is your Soul! All i need is one,  Human soul! And ill be free!"

The bullets started slowly closing in on me,  but they stopped before the bullets could Peirce my heart- soul.

"I can't... "

"Excuse me?"
It didn't wanna kill me...

then everything went back to normal,  the darkness faded and my soul had disappeared as well.

The flower looked sad, I almost felt pity for it..
Key work,  almost.

It tried to kill me! There is no way I'm gonna show Mercy to that thing!

But,  maybe.

Then my soul appeared again.
The flower looked about petrified.

"oh,  no,  it's her... "
The flower looked terrified


It disappeared into the ground
"No! Come back you you lil-"

Then a shadow over looked me.

"Well,  If it isn't a Human"

"Yeah and what are you meant to be,  a Furry that's wearing clothes for once?"

"No you little- Wait,  what's a Furry"

The big furry monster shook its head ignoring the thought.

"Whatever! I need that soul!"

She put her palm facing me and some sort of fire came out.

I got hit,  the fire Burt my arm,  it was in agony.

"Give up child,  Your Soul will be mine!"

Still clenching my burn I looked over to the flower that was chilling in a boot.

The furry beast was already preparing another fire attack,  then weird buttons appeared on front of me,.


I straight away pressed 'Act' I was no way gonna fight that thing with a stick!

The Fire attack was already launched at me,  dodging it,  I felt the warmth whoosh past me

(lol WOOSH)

Then lots if bullets started rushing past me,  I was still sat on the floor,  the speed they where going made my hair blow into my face.

When I pushed the hair out of my eyes I say the beast was injured...

"Cmon Human! Pick me up and run!"
I never hesitated,  my heart floating close behind me I grabbed the boot and ran.

The flower was guiding me through what he called the Ruins.

Everything was a dark purple,  as we where running down one path there was a bridge,  covered in spikes...

"Where do we go now!" I yelled at the small golden flower,  lifting the boot with the lil flower up to my eyes view.

"H-Hey! I know the way! I'll tell you! Now hurry! She heals fast"

Hesitantly I walked over the bridge,  the spikes disappearing whenever I put my foot over a set of spikes.

"straight,  now left,  no,  your other left,  and-"

He was cut off by the roars of the beast,  I quickly jumped into the water and swam across,  balancing the boot on my head.

One I got to the other side I ran.

"What is her problem"
I was holding the boot under my arm while running in my wet clothes.

"That's Toriel! She's the keeper of the Ruins!"

Glancing behind me once and a while I noticed she wasn't behind me anymore,  "I think we lost her"
That's when everything went black

- ------------------------------------------------------ -

Hope you liked the first chapter! If you've never heard of underfell it's basically a fan made AN of Undertale where everyone doesn't show mercy and is edgy AF 😂


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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