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"She's never this late" Noe worried

"But she's usually generally late" Will assured

"Hmhm...yeah" Noe paced the floor, not quite convinced, the room was warm and cozy but none of that comforted Noe. Bumble was 2 hours late, it was snowing outside, it could always just be that. But Noe had a bad feeling about this.

When Noes phone ran he felt his heart jump, but it sank almost as soon as he saw the caller ID 'Hospital'. Of course, he picked it up, hands shaking a little. Had he missed an appointment? No, no, that wasn't right. But it hit him as he heard the voice of the receptionist

"Is Noe Komaeda speaking?" He had put himself on the emergency contact list for Bumble, her brother, Vlayd would never take care of her so he would.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He kept his voice steady, but almost too steady for him not to be panicking, he was fearful for what was to be said, for what may have happened to Bumble. She couldn't have killed herself, they had a promise that they would recover together... plus no one would have found her that fast

"It's about Bumble"

"Yes? What about her??" He was getting nervous now, he got a lump in his throat too, shaking worse, he knew it, he knew it. He had known something was wrong this whole time and had failed to check on her

"She's been severely injured in a car accident...we're not sure if she can make it through the night"

"Can I spend the night with her?"

"Yes sir"

He hung up and put my shoes on, not saying a word to Will, though my boyfriend knew by now when he was upset. He knew not to cross me when I was in a rush. Soon he was out the door, running through snow, my lungs burned when he was halfway there, but he had to get to her, she wouldn't let go if he was there would she? No, he could keep her alive if he was just there, he could hold her and make sure she stayed with him. But when he got to Bumbles room, it was empty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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