18 || Sushi

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The Transformers Bumblebee and Hot Rod arrive with the humans at the Royal Submarine Museum so they can continue with their mission. Y/n, Cade, and Viv hop out of Bumblebee and jump over the entrance gates without paying the boarding fee. Edmond gladly covered for them and said they just enjoy being around submarines. Then, Edmond informed the guard at the gates that this place was now shut down.

"All you boys and girls, off the sub now!" Ed pushed through the tourists inside this old tank. "Go on, push! Move your fat ass! Push! Squeeze!" The old man shoved people out of the sub as quickly as he could.

Cade and the girls look around the old sub. "This thing isn't gonna run." Y/n said. "It's so old."

"The mission," Ed pulled down the binoculars that are built into the sub and looked through. "Is in deep unexplored waters. It's wonderful!" He chuckled, being more amused by this old submarine than the others.

Ed explained how much time passed and that he always wanted to be the one to help the earth and the Transformers, but now he can't. "I can no longer join you." He said to them.

"But, my lord, you have been waiting for this for over 71 years." Cogman said, wishing his master could join them.

"I know, but I am not knighthood material, I'm afraid." He looks at young Y/n. "You have your mission, and I have mine."

She wasn't sure what to say other than, "No, no! You are not leaving us in this tin can with that four-foot mental psychopath. I don't think so." She walks up to Ed.

"I prefer the word 'sociopath'," Cog says calmly to her.

"Miss Y/n, everything you've done in your life, your pain and your suffering, the loss of your family and brought into a family you hardly know, being bullied at school, it's all just been a journey to this very moment," Ed says.

"How did you...? Never mind. But you talk a lot for an old man." She told him. Hearing Edmond talk about her personal life really hit home for her because she truly went through so much. Never in her life did she think it would lead up to this mission.

"Yeah, I suppose I do." He answered her, turning his attention to Viv. "My dear, your father left the Alliance to you, for you alone. She knows the way to the Staff." He said to Cade and Y/n. "Good luck to the three of you." Ed nodded and backed away from the cramped area of the sub to go back outside.

"This won't be the strangest thing I have done today." Viv says, placing her hands on the sub controls and feeling the giant piece of metal come to life. Her descendant background allowed the submarine to jerk and awake from a long rest.

"Hope the old girl's still got it." Cogman said.

Y/n breathed in and out to calm her rapid heartbeats. She's never been in a submarine before, especially one that hasn't been in the sea for more than possibly fifty years. The girl felt the sub jolt because Bee hopped on to join the ride. She felt safer with him around even when she couldn't see him in front of her.

The old submarine traveled underneath the famous London Bridge so it could carry the humans, Cogman, and Transformers out to sea. It seems safer to know that this old thing in the water is a Transformer.

"Can I get a look?" Cade asked Cogman at the built-in binos.

Y/n and Viv see the two beings are not getting along again and decide to ignore them since they don't know how to be mature. They looked like two brothers fighting over the last piece of pizza in the box.

"No, I am looking." Cog replied and Cade pushed him out of the way.

"God, get out of the way, man!" Cade barked and looked into the lenses. "Is that water?!"

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