Before the fame had hit him (Hayes Grier Fanfic)

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Chapter 1
dani pov.
Today is the day I'm moving to North Carolina. I was going to miss my old friends here in New York but at the same
time i was glad that i was moving because i'll never see Hunter anymore. I couldn't even say his
name in my head because it gives me the chills.
*flashback starts*
I was walking hand and hand with Hunter the captain of the football team. He had dark brown hair that was always
messy (in a cute way) and had bright blue-green eyes that you can stare at for hours. All the girls in school wanted to be
with him but out of all those pretty girls he picked me that typical geek. Me and Hunter are dating for 3 years now so
you could say, we were in love. "Hey wanna come to my house after school today?" i asked. "I've got plans tonight maybe
another day" he said. This was the 5th time he didn't want to hang out. it had bothered me so i finally spoke up, "are
you hiding something from me?" i asked him with straight face, "of course not its just that I've got lots of practicing to
do before the big game." A part of me was saying to believe him but the other part of me was saying dani you get fooled
to easily. i said goodbye to him and headed home. when i was on my way home i got a text from an unknown number
saying to meet me behind the ice cream shop. the ice cream shop was on my way to my house so why not pass by and go
to the back of it to see what this person that was texting me is trying to tell me. i was going to the back and stopped right
away when i saw SKYLAR AND HUNTER MAKING OUT. Skylar was one of the popular girls in school. She had bullied
me since 6th grade telling me that I got my clothes from shelters and that my hair looked like it had a jungle inside of it
due to it's frizziness. thats when i swung right to her face making her knocked out falling to the ground, and hunter just
staying there startled. i slapped him in the face using all my strength and said "your really trying your best on practicing
for the big game, bye bye lover boy its over!" i ran home that day crying my eyes out. i didn't eat dinner when my mom
had asked me what had happened i didn't respond. thats when i felt depression inside of me. Hunter made me happy he
made me think that beauty and looks don't matter but i guess it was all just an act at the end. i took a shower that night
and spotted something on the shelf the... razor
*flashback ends*
Authors note
ahhhhhh this is my first story that I'm writing. This chapter was short it was kinda like an introduction but I'm working on more ideas for the other chapters ahead. My name is Nancy I'm 13 in 8th grade. I'll try and update everyday for you guys so yeah there isn't much to know about me so I'm ending this authors note short bye <3

Before the fame hit him (Hayes Grier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now