There was a little girl that was scared to death of monsters one night at midnight she heard her parents SCREAMING a guy with a white
face and a knife he said do you want to play a game with me
she screamed ahhh!!
then she had a heart attack
and the girl was never heard from
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21 years later a little girl named Maggie loved scary things. Jack and Alex
did too! One time they went to the woods with no
communication with anyone. Alex told a story, his uncle was cutting down trees they heard a SCREECH they saw a white guy ripping
out guts of a guy they called him the rake. they set up a tent 23
minuets later jack was gone! Alex went too look for him then he
saw the rake aahhh!!! run!!! the rake killed all of them!!
13years after a guy named jack went to alamba in the middle of no where he saw a 9 feet tall and a deep pail face came twords him
when he was not locking