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"Fight, you bastard!" Griffin yelled as he watched his sons fight. Raven was his favorite of the three. Stone was...not his favorite. His three sons were Raven, Huster, and Stone. You can say Griffin was a little to harsh on his pups. But he would always say, "it's so they can actually survive in their future".He sat there, disappointed, as he saw Raven pin Stone to the ground and claw at him. Stone tried his best to kick his brother off, but had little hope. With a howl of triumph, Raven smashed his paw into the side of Stone's head. Stone laid there, not moving. "God Dammit Raven! What the hell did you do!" Griffin ran over to Stone's unmoving body, and stared at it. "I'm sure he's ok." Raven huffed. "If he's dead, Raven..." "I know, I know." Raven sat by his Dad and growled. "He's so pathetic...I doubt he'll last a day without us" Not fazed by the fact that he may have killed his own brother. Then out of nowhere, Huster ran over to Stone panicked. "W-what happen!?" He asked, nudging at Stone. "Like you care" Raven spat. "I do care!" Huster Snapped back. Griffin glared at Huster 'he has so much of his mother in him' he thought. Then looked over at Stone. 'But at least Huster has some me in him' After little time, Stone gasped and jumped up, Looking around at his surroundings. Huster looked pleased that he was alive, while Raven scoffed, clearly disappointed. Stone took on look at his Dad and ran. Huster ran after him. "Now what?" Raven asked, looking up at his father. "We get some rest. And don't tell Cora about this..." "you mean mom?" Raven said, correcting him. "You know exactly what i mean" Griffin spat, before walking away. Raven looked after him, before turning away to his den.
- time skip -
Raven woke up the next day to yelling and arguing. He looked over and saw that Huster had protectivly curled around Stone. He scoffed. ' Why does he even care about Stone, he'll be dead before we know it.' Raven peeked his head out of their den and saw Cora (his mom) and Dad yelling at each other. "YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN STONE KILLED" Cora yelled at Griffin. He only responded with "WELL, HE SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT BETTER!" Griffin raised his paw up and Raven watched in horror as Griffin smacked her across the face. "YOU'RE JUST AS WEAK AS HIM" Griffin yelled. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Cora looked up at him, on the verge of tears and ran off. Griffin looked over and saw Raven sitting there watching, horrified. He walked over and mumbled "don't mention this to the others." Raven quickly nodded and turned away, unable to watch his father enter the small cave they sleep in. Next thing he knew, he saw Griffin Drag Stone out by the scruff of his neck as Huster chased after him, yelling at him to stop. Griffin tossed Stone past their territory mark and snapped "I dont want to see you pass here, and if I do. I'll kill you." Stone stood there about to protest until Huster blurted "You cant do that! Hes to young! He won't last a day out there!" "Huster, shut up. Or you'll end up like him." Griffin said, turning to him. Huster looked down at his paws, not wanting meet his gaze. Raven sat there, without a word. Trying his best to show his loyalty to his father, and trying to make him proud.
  Stone took a step back, then a couple more, as tears slowly slid down his cheeks. He turned and ran in the trees. Raven smirked as he looked up at the sky. He noticed the clouds were much darker than usual, then he realized 'it's gonna rain. Perfect...' Raven sat up and stretched. He took a glance at Huster and saw that he was crying. 'Stupid furball. He'll get over it by tomorrow...' he walked off to his Den, rather pleased. No more Stone...He shook his coat and curled up into a ball, falling deep into sleep.
While Raven was sleeping, Stone was running through the Forest. After what seemed like hours (which was only like 5 minutes) he skidded to a stop, and took shelter under a tree, knowing it was gonna rain. But as he curled up, he would have sworn he heard a faint howl. Not just a normal one, it sounded like it was clouded with pain. He tried to ignore it, but it kepted ringing in his head. Over and over he shook his head, Trying to make it stop. Then he realized how familiar it was. He shot up and ran towards it, ready to help whatever it was. But as he drew nearer, he saw a blood trail. He sniffed it and shuddered 'how disgusting' he followed the trail until it lead out into a clearing. He saw a lump of fur, and instantly could tell it was dead. But whatever it was, was a wolf like animal. As he drew closer, he got a better view of the colored pelt. And after analyzing, he stopped. Stone ran over to the body and pressed his nose against in, inhaling the scent. It was all to familiar. He looked back up and went to the wolf's face, and saw the dappled face of his mom. "NO!" He cried. What monster would murder his mom! He let out a wail as he rested his head on his beloved mother. Then it struck him. Griffin. He...he was the one! Of course. It all made sense! He ruined everything! Stone collapsed as he realized....there was no hope for him now...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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