The Biters

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Chapter 1-Introduction

Today was one of the better days considering what a good day from a bad day was like now. We had managed to raid three houses witch was great in our case. Our group had only ran into seven bitters and for our group that was easy compared to what we've had to take down. We really needed those three houses we were running low on food for sure but then again,when aren't we low on food it's always a constant search for it now. But something that was definitely good was he had found for ammunition for out guns another thing we are always low on being all of the adults had a gun as well as me and another boy in our group.

I should probably stop there, I'm getting way to far head of myself you don't even know who I am yet. Let me take a step back because I know your probably thinking who is she some girl in a gang? Who or what are bitters? Raiding houses? Killing? I'll get to all of that and fill you in as best as I can. I'm Sydney Simmons but that really doesn't matter anymore because no one really cares about your name anymore.. So I go by Alex my middle name like most people did or at least the ones that are left. Most everyone changed there name when 'It' happened though we really don't know how it happened it just did. The ones that survived just wanted to forget about all their loved ones that they had lost or friends so they changed them but it's still very hard to forget about how life used to be. Right now I'm fourteen years old though we don't celebrate birthdays anymore we don't have time or even want to because it's just a reminder but we do have someone keep track at least of the days. I was ten when..We'll the world ended I guess you would say. My younger sister was seven hardly a life at all I did feel bad but nows not that time for feeling sorry for the people who have died. We've all seen how that turns out. Now my little sister is Eleven and she's hardly living the life at all but were all hardly living anymore.I'm one of the lucky ones or at least as lucky as one could get in our case. I still have both of my parents and that's enough of a blessing my dad told me. I still have my whole main family.

Now, to give you an idea of how life is right now. Our small group as fifteen people in counting children though there aren't many of them anymore and sadly we're slowly getting smaller. There's my family the Simmons and that's four Al my dad, Dawn my mom and Jen my younger sister. Then there's the Kristen's and there's only three of them Jim the father, Georgia or G as we call her and Javelin or Jave who are Jim's two little girls. The eldest is seven being G, and Jave being only five. We lost Jane to a bitter attack a few weeks ago it was one of the bigger attacks and we lost others to. Then there's the Jones and there's only two of them sadly. There's Mike and his son Ben who is the same age as I am. There used to be four of them to Ben had a older sister and a mother but they both died in the same attack that killed Jane. Then we had Glen who we just met up with during the last attack if he hadn't shown up more of use would have died so he owe a lot to him witch is also the only reason why we let him into our group. Glen isn't an adult but like all the other kids he isn't really a teenager anymore either though he was still eighteen a collage student he told us. Then we have Carl and Sophia who we really don't know much about them other than the fact they lost there two kids and the rest of there family. But we trust them or at least my dad does and that's all that matters because he's in charge of everything even if it wasn't set in stone that he was. Then the finally members in our group would be John, Joseph and Jed there all brothers. They really don't talk much other than Jed but they pull there weight and help out so that's enough. Jed is the youngest of the three being seventeen, then there's John who's eighteen and finally Joseph who's twenty one.

We're not a very big group at all and we don't seem to have anything in common other than wanting to survive this mess but we actually do have something in common. Every single male in our group used or was in the Army, military or navy so most everyone knows how I shot a gun or protect themselves. My dad used to be a commander in the military and my mom a medic, what I wanted to be. Jim and Mike were in the Military as we'll and knew my dad all three of them being in the same station and time. Carl was in the Navy before 'it happened as he told me that he would have stayed if 'it' hadn't happened because he wanted to be home with his wife and kids. Two of the brothers were in the Army but Jed told us that he was going to join but he never got a chance to enlist.

The last thing I want to fill you in on is what is going on and what on earth are bitters. To put it as simple as possible there the undead. My dad had always been a religious man and told me when my grandfather died that god had promised the resurrection of the dead. But no one knew that this mess would happen when they dead come back. You probably have heard of zombies but we hate calling them that, because they used to be people or as some people say they still are but are just sick so we give them some respect and call them bitters. To be turned into a bitter you have to be either bitten or scratched so we have to be very carful when we kill them. Witch brings me to how do you kill someone who is already dead? Somehow you can't shot them anywhere but their head because it's the only thing that is keeping them 'living'.

I know this is all a lot to take in but I'm not joking about anything I tell you it's all real and I believe it will never truly go away. I think we just have to keep fighting on until we get somewhere that's safe but as of now no where is safe anymore....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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