In the magical land of Arendelle, two sisters named Isis and Kit lived as princesses. Isis, the eldest, possessed magical ice powers being able to create many snowmen! Kit possessed fire, able to create many firemen xD. Sounds like fun, right? Well, it was until Isis accidentally slipped on the floor, covered in ice, and shot Kit in the head with her powers and Kit gave Isis second degree burns in result of self defense. Isis and Kit were separated, no longer spending time with each other. Their parents, The King and Queen, were sent to do a few jobs in another country. Traveling by ship unaware of the storm, the boat sank killing the King and Queen. Being the eldest, Isis was to become Queen of Arendelle. On her coronation day, everyone seemed happy except her.
(Have you know, Isis and Kit are two fictional characters I made up inspired by Frozen. Jack Frost is from Rise of the Guardians. The storyline originated from Frozen with a twist. Thank you and enjoy the book.)
Jack Frost and Isis: A Frozen Heart
Romance"Who are you?" Her middle pitched voice spoke. "Jack. Jack Frost. Guardian of freedom," His blue eyes glistened as he answered her question. "Nice to meet you, Queen." This story is mostly a shipping I was dared to write. I created Isis and Kit by m...