Meeting an Old Friend (Imagine With Dan)

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''Yeah it's going to be great!'' you're on the phone speaking to Lauren (Your best friend in this) The two of you are talking about a new apartment the two of you will be moving into together within the next two weeks. The more you think about it the more exited you get, finally, you get the freedom you have always wanted. As you're talking to Lauren you have started to pack your things ready for the big move. After about 20 minutes of talking to Lauren you eventually end the call and sit on your bed, thinking. You and Lauren have been friends for as long as you can remember, the two of you have talked about this for a while now, and the times nearly here, its actually happening!

You lie on your bed for a few moments before pulling your laptop onto your chest. You have decided to watch some videos on YouTube for a while to pass some time. You begin to type in 'Dani..' you don't need to type anymore as its there in purple 'Danisnotonfire'. You lie there and watch a few video before thinking back to high school, where you met this boy, who was some what tall with his dark brown hair,  and just like you he was bullied for a few reasons, you remember him being shy at first but slowly opening up to you the more you got to know him. Quickly your'e off your bed searching for a box of items, more specifically, pictures. You take the box and sit on the bed, looking through some of the pictures, smiling and laughing to yourself, until you reach the bottom of the pile, the last picture, the last time you saw him. The day you moved. 

'This is it' you think to yourself as you wave your parent goodbye from Laurens car as they tell you to be safe and to take care. You and Lauren talk about the things you're going to do when you get there, choosing rooms, decorating, moving not only yourselves but your furniture in e.c.t.

It is a long drive but you eventually get there with the delivery van pulling up not long after. You get upstairs before opening the door to your new apartment, quickly hurrying in to choose your new bedroom, you choose the one with the en-suite bathroom and shout to Lauren. ''Lauren I'm sorry, this rooms mine'' she doesnt hesitate to answer ''Its fine (Y/N) i get extra TV privalages then!'' you both laugh at this hearing it echo round the empt apartment. 

Once all the furniture is all in you ask Lauren ''Hey, do you want a tea? coffee maybe?'' she tells you she would like a tea but only with sugar. You nod to her and go to put the kettle on pulling out the coffee for you, the tea for Lauren and the suga.... wait ''We dont have any sugar'' you shout from the kitchen. You get a quick respone from Lauren ''Go and ask next door then, im sure they wouldn't mind'' sighing, you reply ''Fine'' not really wanting to do much now, you just want to relax.

As you drag yourself to your front door you can either go to the left or right of your apartment, but quickly make a decision to go right. as you slightly knock on he door you hear a slight sound of footsteps get closer and closer. As soon as the door opens you close your eyes and rub the back of your neck sayin ''Hey I just moved in next door, I was just hoping to borrow some sugar?'' You hear a mans voice, pretty cheerful ''sure, come in for a moment'' not really paying attention to the guy you follow him in and just sort of stand in the hallway looking around. The guy then comes back with a small bag of sugar for you, as hes walking towards you he asks ''So whats your name then?'' you stop looking around to look to him realising who it is ''P-phil? oh my, it's you from the.. the internet'' You're slightly lost for words here as you'd never expect to meet the second half of the internet duo of 'Dan and Phil'. ''Huh, yeah thats me'' he smiles at you. Suddenly you hear another guys voice, somewhat deeper to Phils ''Phil who are you talking to?'' he looks at you then at a door ''Oh im talking to a new neighbour, sorry i didnt catch your name'' you're in a slight daze before replying ''m-my names (Y/N)''  phil raises his voice again ''her names (Y/N)''

Not long after you hear a door open and out steps a 'somewhat tall guy with deep brown hair' like the one from your photo, obviously you recognise him but you dont think he would recognise you until he comes up to you and just, hugs you ''Is it really you? (Y/N)? after all this time, i though i wouldnt see you again''  in a lsight daze you slowly raise your hands onto his back, hugging him back saying ''I thought id never see you again either, well apart from on the internet'' he laughs as Phil buts in saying 'So you two know each other?'' Dan replying ''Yeah, we went to the same secondary school together before she moved house''  Phils walks away knowing that the two of you will want to catch up. 

Dan offers you a seat on the sofa while he sits himself next to you. ''(Y/N) i honestly though i would never see you again, i was left that day not knowing what to do, i was sad and heart broken...'', with a dry voice you manage to say ''H-heart broken?'' Dan looks straight at you and nods gently ''I never told you, only wishing i had now'' you sit there in silence as Dan continues ''I liked you for a long time, and honestly a part of me has never stopped'' this just stuns you completely. Sighing you tell Dan that you had felt the same from the moment you became friends'' 

After feeling uncomfortable after just saying what you did you stand up and tell him you really need to get back home and thank him for the sugar. you walk into the hall way before feeling a warm grasp on your arm then having your whole back warmed by the presence of another ''(Y/N), do you think we could? well, get to know each other again? how about you come over sometime,or I take you out for a drink?'' you stand there for a moment before turning around replying ''I would like that, very much'' you smile and hug Dan again thanking him for the sugar. ''Now i really must go, but ill see you soon yeah?'' you say to Dan, ''Of course you will'' he says looking very pleased. As you start to turn around you are grabbed by the arm again, this time you are pulled towards Dan quickly before feeling something soft and warm on your lips, its Dan's lips, you dont try and break free, you have wanted this for a while. eventually the feel of his soft lips againt yours breaks by the sound of Phils voice ''(Y/N) are you leaving already?'' you look at Dan then past him to see Phil ''Yeah i need to get back to my friend i promised her a cup of tea''. ''Oh okay, well see you again'' You nod then look back at Dan ''Bye'' you say, this time turning and making it to the door, as soon as you're free you rush back into your own apartment and tell Lauren everything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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