Part 1

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It's coming to be that day of the year. The day where nothing is illegal, where nothing you or anyone else does can be held against you. The Purge. 

Corbyn lies awake, staring blankly at the ceiling. His friends had sworn allegiance, but who knew if they'd actually follow through? He turned to look at the clock on his nightstand.
11:30; half an hour remaining. 

He got up and checked his supplies once more: a safe- containing everything of value to him, some food, and weapons. A gun, a knife, and a slightly smaller blade.  Corbyn pulled on his combat boots, sliding the blade into his right boot. 

He pulls out his phone and texts Christina. 
Corbyn: Stay safe, I love you. 
Christina: You too, Corbs. I love you. 

He also texts his family before shutting off his phone and storing it in the safe. His apartment windows are already boarded, his apartment door locked. Cans os espresso drinks littered the front entrance and windows, most of them empty, some to be emptied in the hours to come. 

He turned on his walkie-talkie that was connected to his bandmates' walkie-talkies. 
"I'm all set," he says.
A few seconds later, Daniel says the same.
"I'm barricaded in. Zach's with me," Jack says. 
"I'm locked in," confirms Jonah. 

Corbyn turns off the main lights in his apartment, trying to make it seems as though he's not there, lest there be a murderer. 

His heart beats faster. Fear nearly consumes him. 

The alarms sound. It's begun. 


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