Let's Begin

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I've been through my share of trauma growing up, and I'm not here to be analyzed. I know most of what I say won't seem "normal", and I can assure you, I am aware of this.

First off, I've had an imaginary friend for as long as I can remember. Her name is Charlie. She has gotten me through so many horrific events. She taught me how to block it all out. To survive.

Then there's Janie. I first noticed her when I was about six years old. Growing up, I had very few friends. And my mother was very abusive. I first noticed Janie when I was forced to sit in the corner for an hour for the first time. Thankfully I was allowed to sit. And before I knew it, I heard her voice. And we could talk without talking. Just like Charlie and I.

And when I was about eight years old, I met Sadie. But, you'll find out all about her. 

Now, I can still talk with these girls, and another who will be revealed in the first chapter. And I know, at 19, this is seen as a major issue. But as it doesn't cause me harm, but rather keeps me from harm, I choose not to "seek help" for these "imaginary friends"

So please, listen to my story, but don't judge it. Just let it be.

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