It turns to dust

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It is 9:00 PM, in a loud silence when the phone beside of Laviña rings. She scratches her eyes and lazily gets the phone to answer it.

Laviña: Hello?  Who's this? (she asks with a loud voice because she is idle of answering late night calls.  She had been in a tiring and stressful day since it is her last chance to prove herself to the University she in. )

Doc Xyb: Is this Ms. Lavish? ( He innocently asks her with a calm voice.)

Laviña: Lavish?! ( The madness went up in her head when she heard the nickname she really hates... She is about to burst and end up the call when the voice in the other line came serious)

Doc Xyb: This is Doctor Xybe Arvin Ynes of Philippine Doctors' Hospital, ma'am. We would just want to inform you that Mr. Vaughn Denzel Montillo is in our hospital. We called you to get information from you....we get your numbers on his phone... ( He is talking when a sob from Laviña cut him. )

Laviña is now sobbing too hard and she don't even know what really happened... Her whole body is shivering and the cold air coming from the air-con made her froze. She doesn't know what to do.  Picking the key of her car,  her head is blank. Without wasting time,  she grabbed her coat and went out.

Routing to the hospital,  she checked her phone and she cried even more when she saw the 13 missed calls on her phone and all coming from Denz.  She forgot that they are going out to celebrate their 2nd anniversary in a fine dine restaurant near in their school.

Laviña: Denz!?  Denz!?  Baby,  I am so sorry! (She is sobbing too hard while looking for Denzel's room. Everything seems turned shady and she does'nt know what happened next.)

She is unconsciously hugging a tall and skinny man beside her. Hugging him tightly and feeling his gentle hands made her feel better...

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