Chapter One

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I apologize in advance for the spelling and grammatical mistakes. I try and catch all of them when I read over the writing, but it doesn't always happen. Please, enjoy.

“Okay, you guys stay out here while I see if she’s home.” Amber said to the camera crew who was waiting to enter the apartment. “Make sure that your microphone is on though.” Said one of the crew members, to the star. “Alright, “ She said after checking her hidden microphone. “See you soon.”

Amber opened the apartment door with the code that she had previously gotten from her younger group mate. She quickly stepped inside, quietly shutting the door and taking her shoes off in the entry way. As she slid the second door open to reveal the interior of the apartment, she noticed that the lights were all off. “Ceige.” She softly called into the dark. When she received no reply, she continued on through the house, looking for her friend. “Ceige, where are you?” Amber asked, continuing her search. The camera crew outside were listening in on the microphone, snickering slightly as they heard Amber looking for Ceige. When Amber turned the corner headed into the kitchen, she heard footsteps in the small hallway leading to the bedrooms and bathroom. “Ceige? Is that you?” Amber asked, heading towards the footsteps. When she went down the hallway, she was met with the sight of the person she had been looking for. Ceige was in the bathroom, seeming to have been looking for something. “Who else would it be in my house, Unnie?” Ceige replied rather quick, talking in dialect. The crew started laughing a bit when they heard this on the monitors, still unable to enter the house.

“What are you doing here in my house?”, Ceige asked Amber as she stepped out of the bathroom. “What are you doing in the dark?” Amber replied, turning on the hallway light. Ceige just shrugged and walked past Amber. “What are you doing here, Unnie?” She asked again this time looking back at Amber. Amber looked at Ceige too and saw that she was in rather short running shorts and a long sleeved shirt. Her hair was pulled back in two braided pigtails. “You weren’t responding to any of the texts I sent you and I wanted to know if you were home.” Amber said, trying to keep the conversation as normal as possible, seeing as Ceige was unaware of the situation that she was about to be dragged into. “Oh.” She replied, making it seem like that had been a recurring thing that the two did, making the crew crackup. “I brought you some stuff,” Amber said, delivering her line, to let the crew know to get ready for entry. “But, before I get it, you should put some pants on. She said addressing her band mate as she turned back towards the entry way. The crew again, found this funny. “Mmkay.” Ceige mumbled, heading back to her room, to reemerge with pajama pants on instead of her shorts. “Yah! Come help me get the stuff.” Amber yelled. “Why? You’re the one who brought it. I never asked for anything.” Ceige called back, although she followed her to the door.

The crew was ready and standing by. When Amber opened the door, Ceige finally showed up on camera. She looked up to see the camera crew, filming. Without saying a word, she covered her mouth in embarrassment. Amber stood to the side as Ceige recollected herself. “What? What is this?” Ceige asked no-one in particular. “You’re hosting a Celebrity Slumber Party!” Amber exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. Ceige stood there confused until Amber told her to let the crew in seeing as it was a bit cold outside, seeing as it was 5:30 in the morning. After the crew got settled inside, Amber and the PD explained what was happening. “You are going to host your group and another group at your house for one week, here at your house. You won’t know who the other group is until they show up at your house.” The PD said. “Alright.” Ceige said still a bit in shock of what was happening. “Look at her! She looks hilarious when she’s confused.” Amber exclaimed, starting to laugh while pointing at Ceige’s face. “C’mon, man. It’ll be fun. Plus, you don’t really have a choice to say ‘no’ anyways.” Amber said.

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