Chapter 1

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    A new life. A new home. Maybe he wouldn't find me here. In the town woodchester nothing ever happens. That was until I came along.

    They already notified the police of my past. Except for my gift. I have the ability to hear people's thoughts. Only my parents and one other man knew. That man was Edgar. He is a very dangerous man. My gift could open doors for him.
    Moving here right after my parents deaths. Knowing that Edgar had a hand in it. My first stop was the police station for my job.
    Officer William was waiting for me by the entrance. "How are you holding up Grace?"
    "I've been better William. Thanks for the job though."

     "Let me show you where you'll be working." Leading me into a small room he stopped. "This is your room, no one will bother you."
    "Thanks again." I walked out the office and saw a guy watching me. The voices in my head got stronger. Shaking them away I accidentally walk into him.
    I lost my balance and would've fell if he didn't catch me. I get lost in his sparkling blue eyes. "Sorry," I whispered.
    "It's okay I'm Scott. I see that you met William." He said as William reached my side.
    "She's the new recruit. Scott meet Grace."

    "Nice to meet you." Looking away from Scott's eyes I turn to William. He had this worried look in his eyes.

    "Thanks for the job again. I'll be here tomorrow in the morning."

    Hurrying out the door I get in my car. Trying really hard to control my heart beat. Their was something about him and I would find out what. Pulling out of the parking lot I go home.

   I didn't eat that night. Worrying about where I saw him before. The voices in my head were finally quiet. Tomorrow I would get my answers. Going to sleep I think of Edgar.
    The morning sunlight hit my skin. Rising from the bed I change and get ready for work. The thought that Scott could be related to Edgar frightened me. Ignoring that thought i get in the car and drive.

   It took me a while to gather my courage to get out my car. Taking a deep breath I walk outside.
    William was the first to greet me. "You're here. Let me get you set."

   "Sure." We go into the my tiny office. I would be here eight hours a day.

   "All you have to do is answer 911 calls."

    "I can do that." Once he left I get to work. Not that many people called the police station by noon.

    When it was time for my break I go to my car. On my way there I see Scott arguing on the phone. Looking more closely I see a picture of Edgar on his desk. As he turned around I began walking again.

    His thoughts were about Edgar and me. Does he think I know about him? At least now I know they're twins. Scott's eyes are bright but Edgar's are cold. I have to stay away from scott he could be dangerous.

    I stayed in my car for my break. Scott was still on the phone when I walked by. Only four more hours of this. Hopefully he doesn't become suspicious.

    William came in to see how I was doing. "Nothing much, not many people called."

    "That's good. Their has been killings happening lately. Well I'll see you later."

    "Bye." When he left I began to panic. It could be Edgar doing the murders. The phone rang putting an end to my thoughts. Closing my eyes I answer it. "Hello."

    "What, you don't remember me," he snarled.

    "How did you find me," I whispered.

    "Our minds are bound together. Did you forget that? You will always be tied to me."

    "Stay away from me," I yelled.

    "Not until you join me. See you soon Grace." The phone went dead. Sinking to the floor I cried. Scott ran in and grabbed my arm. Jerking away I run out of the room and into William's arms.

    My tears were slowing. I knew my eyes were puffy from the tears I shed. William pushed me behind him and glared at Scott. I flinched away from his anger.

    "What did you do to her?"

    "He didn't do anything. I just have to get out of here." Turning around I run to my car. Even though Scott ran after me I drove off.

    When I got home I stayed in my bedroom. Edgar is coming after me and I can't stop it. What if William gets hurt?

    A knock came from my front door. "Coming," I shouted. Opening the door I see Scott instead of William. "What are you doing here?"

    "I need to talk to you. Can I come in?"

    "Since you're already here." Moving aside I let him in. He goes to sit on the couch. Those blue eyes stared into my brown ones.

    "Why are you here?" Tearing my gaze away from his.

    "William wanted me to see what's wrong with you."

   "Nothing's wrong so you may leave."

    "That's not true Grace. There's a sadness in your gaze." Slowly heading towards me his hand touched my cheek. To catch a tear falling. "Is this about Edgar?"

   Shock came across my face. "How do you know him?" I wanted him to admit it without me giving it away.

    "He's my friend." Was all he said to me.

    I go sit on the couch. He followed me all the way. We didn't speak just sat there, staring into each other eyes.

    He was the enemies brother. I need to remember that but I can't. My mind telling me to ignore the attraction. Just being near him drives me to distraction.

    Scott's hand went around my waist. Pulling me closer my chest hit his. He lowers his head and I meet him half way. It was the best thing I ever felt.

    Putting my arms around his neck I pull him closer. Every worry I had left my body. Reality starts to slowly come back.

    Jerking back I stand up. "This is wrong. I think it would be better if you left."

    "You're wrong it was right. We're meant to be together." Walking to the front door he left.

    I go eat and get ready for bed. Sleep was hard to find since that kiss replayed in my head. I was exhausted and sleep finally took me.

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