Kulu-Ya-Ku: Curiosity Fed the Bird

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Gettin' Yolked in the Waste!

Objective: Deliver 2 Herbivore eggs.

Information:  You ready for leg day!? GOOD. You'll need 'em when you're running from that Apceros herd! Now go get me my purr-otein!


        Normally Kulu-Ya-Ku were curious creatures but not outright violent; you could walk right past one on the field and, so long as you never got aggressive toward them, you could walk right past them. Comically, there were even stories of the Bird Wyvern throwing the rocks or eggs at other Wyvern in the area—even rushing over from the complete other areas just to throw things at other beasts or the unlucky Hunter. Whichever it saw as a threat, honestly. It was, in every sense, hysterical to see... But what the actual hell was that Kulu-Ya-Ku doing? Thinking?
        "Striker," Under his breath the Hunter dressed in the Kulu Armor Set whispered his Palico's name, his brown eyes locked on the Bird Wyvern that was seen approaching from the swampy area to the left path of the road. The deep 'rrrow.' that left the Felyne was all that the Hunter needed to hear. His Palico would keep an eye on the bird. Sliding his eyes down the path directly in front of him—a dirt trail with plants dotting along it, ones that normally wouldn't trip you up because they were so stringy and easily broken but if you made the mistake of walking into a cluster of them then you'd probably face plant. Somewhere in that you could throw a saying about, "Alone you stand no chance but together you can topple a giant" or something like that. 
        'This is going to be a headache. Already it's hot, getting hotter despite just how thin and breathable my armor is, and the Apceros herd here is big... one, two, three... four females and a male... Oi... What to do?
        Apceros had the nasty habit of headbutting and-or clubbing you with their tails; it was enough to crack bones and skulls. Good thing that you could outrun them... uh, if you weren't carrying anything especially heavy. Honestly he should have brought another partner, a Human, so that they could assist in carrying these blasted Herbivore Eggs—which were equivalent to wielding a Great Sword or a Hammer, in some cases—as Reinhardt wasn't an extremely strong guy yet. His weapon, at the moment as he was learning how to use the Insect Glaive, were the Dual Blades line. Heaving out a groan to himself, the Hunter went and got to work; already able to feel the pain that awaited him. The looks in the Herbivores' eyes already told him his fate was sealed. Meanwhile, while her Hunter was taking on the task of tackling the Eggs themselves Striker had taken up her job—watching the Kulu-Ya-Ku in case it got the urge to fight. The calico furred she-cat stood a respectable distance from the bend of the paths but also enough distance from the Apceros that they didn't see her as a threat. She didn't need to get distracted by having to fight off those big brutes! Her wide amber eyes were set forward and faintly she lowered her head as the Bird Wyvern came into view. Intensely she watched it... though, curiously it had stopped some distance from them. Observing almost. This threw the cat for a loop—the bird had completely stopped in place. That wasn't normal...
        The sound of a smashing egg and a rather hard thump behind her made her ears quiver a bit at the tips. "Fuck!" Her Meowster had gotten tackled it seemed. Huh; how unfortunate. Notably the large Wyvern never moved but simply watched. And watched. A solid ten minutes passed by and her partner had actually managed to get an egg past and back to camp... and you'd think that the bird would be gone. No, amazingly it had followed after the two and watched what they were doing. Probably wondering where its meal was going. The second time the farthest her Meowster had gotten was right in front of the Kulu-Ya-Ku (who at that point had actually plopped down where it had been and kept tilting its head this way and that, never aggressive) before the Apceros had headbutted his back. A loud cuss left the Human and he ended up striking down the Apceros that kept hitting him; carving it up as there wasn't any use in letting it go to waste. Striker also noted that the Kulu-Ya-Ku seemed content as it had moved to the semi-crushed egg and began to eat at what was left of the yolk. Ice blue eyes locked on her Meowster. It was then it occurred to the Palico: this Bird Wyvern didn't even see Reinhardt as a threat! This amused and irritated Striker simultaneously. 
        It was another handful of tries that Reinhardt finally got the third egg, with time to spare too! Though as the male's eyes notably narrowed his Palico hopped up from where she plopped down at the campsite and came running. Placing an inquisitive paw on her partner's knee and tilting her head a little, the cat let out a noise of concern. The Handler was cooking the meat that Reinhardt brought back so she didn't really notice the aura about the Hunter.
        "Striker," A gentle hand was placed on the cat's ear as her Leather Headgear was removed by her Hunter, said piece of gear being placed on his lap. "something vital just occurred to me. Two things actually." The cat straightened her head and pushed up to his hand, a soft purr leaving her. "I had my Ghillie Mantle this whole blessed time... and I'm pretty sure that Kulu-Ya-Ku thought I was his defective cousin."
        Said brave Kulu waltzed right into the camp, moved to the water pool to the side and laid there, leisurely drinking at the water. The Hunter's left eye twitched, even as the Wingdrakes arrived to take them and their cargo home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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