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Thalissa P.O.V

        I skipped along to the beach, to see the waves from my favorite spot before I had to leave camp in an a few hours. Just as I reached the sand dunes, I saw a couple making out on a towel. The girl moaned as the guy trailed his hands along her stomache Rolling my eyes, I was about to continue to my spot before I heard something that made me freze in my tracks.
        When I looked away, the guy had started planting kisses along her neck and she moaned. "Ohh Luke, Just dump her already! I want you all for myself." It wasn't just that as far as she knew, there was no other luke at this camp besides her boyfriend, but also that voice. It was so familiar... but... No!.. she wouldnt... slowly , I turned around and let lose a heart wrenching sob. There, sucking each others faces off, were luke and annabeth. When they heard me, their heads whipped around so fast I was sure they would get wiplash.

        Eyes wide from shock, they scrambled apart. "Th-Thals! This- This i-isn' t what it looks like!" Annabeth stammered, face resembling a wide eyed tomato.

         I just shook my head glaring at Luke who still hadn't come out of shock and saying three little words that brought him out of it "Were so done!" And with that, I turned on my heel and ran back to my cabin, passing many confused campers along the way. Just as I was about a hundred yards away from my cabin, a smiling apollo came and greeted me, turning to a worried apollo when I dashed by without answering. As soon as I got to my cabin, I later on my bed hugging my pillow and cried.

Apollos P.O.V

        After archery class, I started looking for thalissa. We had been friends all summer, after she realized that I wasn't just a stuckup and shallow person unlike some gods cough-Zeus-Cough. As I saw her, I gave a swoon-Worthy smile. Confession time: I may have had a tiny crush on her even though I knew she was dating luke, but I wouldn't make a move on her because we were good friends.
        "Hey Tha-" But she just rushed passed me. I frowned and looked after her retreating shape confised. After a minutes debate, I walked up to the cabin and was about to knock when I heard muffled sobbing from the other side of the door. Without hesitation, I opened the door to find thalissa curled in a ball sobbing. When I reached her, I wrapped her small body in mine and held her until her sobs died down.

       After taking a few deep breaths, She relaxed till her eyes got wide and she started stuffing random clothes into her bags. As she worked she kept muttering"Late! Damit.... Gabe.... work..."

        Worried, I asked "What's wrong?" hoping that I could help
       "I have to get home" she groaned, sounding upset about something "Gabe'll punish me.." The last part was muttered under her breath but I caught it anyways.
        "I could flash you there so you get there quicker" I offered, not wanting to get her in trouble
        Her eyes widened in horror at the thought of getting there any quicker than she had to, wich was I noted with curiosity. "Umm... actually I'll just take a cab." As she walked through the door, She turned around and said "bye sunshine. Have a good summer"
        Usually I would have retorted by saying a nickname of my own but I was too busy wondering: What could be so bad,  She would rather get in trouble than get home quickly? I shook myself of these thoughts and went to say goodbye to my children with the resolve that I would visit her tomorrow morning to make sure Everything was alright.                                                           

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