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3rd Person

The 3 Girls were asleep on the couch, with the Tv turned off, their breathing could be heard in the quiet room, the masked man walked in the living room, walking up the stairs as he opens the first room door he saw, he walked out and walked down the hall and opened the second one.

He walked in, as he heard the breathing of Desiree. He stood over her as she sleeps, one foot exposed to the cool air, while the rest of her body covered in the blanket, her hair covered with a bonnet. He traced his hand over her exposed thigh, gently running his hand towards her inner thigh, stopping right above her pussy.

She moaned softly and stirred a little bit in her sleep, but Desiree didn't wake up.

He ran his hand across her face, leaning towards her.

''We'll meet soon again'' He whispered in her ear.

  Desiree P.o.v

I got up out of bed, did my morning routine, since I flat twist my hair, I took them out, and use my comb to give my hair a lil volume, making it puffier, after I was finished, and put on my clothes and did my make up and went downstairs. I cooked breakfast, then went to wake up Tia and Mauri.

''Wake Up bitches''I shouted, pulling the blanket off them.

They started groaning.

''Breakfast is ready'' I said.

They got up so fast rushing to the bathroom, to brush their teeth and wash their face, then they started eating.

''Do you have Class this morning?'' Tia asked while stuffing her face.

''Yes, Im suppose to be there by 10 am, it 8 now so I'm gonna leave out cuz I have errands to run'' I said, finishing up my breakfast.

''Lock up when you guys are leaving'' I said, walking out, I took out my phone seeing that I got a text from Kai. I smiled and started to reply, then I walked right into a wall.

I groaned and looked up holding my head, I came face to face with a very handsome guy, He's white, very tall, buff and he had a neck tattoo, he had multiple tattoos, he also had a hoop nose piercing. He had on grey sports short and grey sweatpants to match. He looks as if he's in his late 20's.

His eyes are what captivated me, I was speechless for a second just absorbing him

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His eyes are what captivated me, I was speechless for a second just absorbing him. He was fucking gorgeous. God took his time making him.

''Seems like we just keep running into each other don't we?'' He said, with a smirk.

His smirk oh my fucking God his smirk had me in a chant and his accent, his french accent,       I swallowed then looked at him. Then I remembered he's that guy from last night.

''Are you okay? I didn't damage your brain last night did I'' He said worriedly, holding my neck, a little bit too sexual.

''No, Im okay'' I replied.

''Oh, sorry let me introduce myself, I'm your new neighbor, I'm Adonis Miller.'' He said with a smile. His smile kept pulling me in.

Great another temptation to fuck up my life.
Fuck Up My Life Then.

''I'm Desiree Huley'' I smiled

''Desiree'' I heard him mumbled.

I had to mentally squeeze my legs, to keep them from shaking.

''Sorry about last night again'' He said.

''It's okay, my hand doesn't hurt anymore'' I replied.

''Your eyes are really alluring'' He whispered.

''Uhm.. thank you'' I smiled.

''Would you like to come over  and get some coffee, and something to eat, I mean sorry if I'm overstepping my neighbour boundaries, or have u eaten already yes?'' He asked, pushing back his hair.

I was not about to turn down free food.

''Uhm, sure okay, I have a lecture in 2 hours though guess I got time to spare. I pushed my phone in my back pocket''

''Bien'' He replied.

He walked to his door, and we walked inside. I looked around, it was really immaculate and spacious. I followed him, into the kitchen.

I knew I shouldn't have followed him into his house considering we just met, but the food is my weakness.

I looked on the kitchen counter seeing the food he prepared.

I looked on the kitchen counter seeing the food he prepared

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''It looks good'' I said, smiling.

''Come'' he said, with one finger indicating me to come eat.

I sat down on the stool, and started digging in. I swear its like my stomach made room for more food,Because suddenly I was hungry again,considering I didn't eat a lot at my house. It tasted really good.

He also began eating,then he sipped some of his coffee.

After we finished eating,and talking he asking me questions about my self. I looked at my phone seeing its 9:30.

''I gotta get to class'' I said,''Thanks for the food,and nice meeting you again'' I said.

''Do you want a lift?'' he asked.

''Uhm,I don't want to bother you'' I replied.

''You're not bothering me,Anything you want from now on,you can ask me'' He said.

I just nodded, not too sure about what he said.

''Come on'' He said,taking my hands in his,walking to the door.

He unlocks the door to his Mercedes Benz,and,I looked over my shoulder,seeing a tall man familiar-looking man,but he was gone.He looked like


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