Late Night Conversations and Unicorn Slippers (Remus & Tonks)

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Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter Universe

Nymphadora Tonks was pacing around the guestroom she had been allotted at the Burrow. It was late but she couldn't sleep. Her hair was changing colours as usual, but it was barely noticeable. Instead of going from bright pinks to purples to blues, it was stuck in shades of brown. Her stomach was in knots and her palms were sweaty. She heaved a heavy sigh. Nymphadora Tonks was twenty-three years old, and in love.

No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get Remus Lupin out of her head. She had adored him since the moment she had first seen him, shabby robes and all. Rather than dissipating over time, her feelings seemed to be growing stronger by the minute. It didn't matter that he was thirteen years older than her, or that he was a werewolf, and had already made it perfectly clear that he didn't think he was suited for her. She loved him. And like all young people in love, she felt that no one else in history had ever felt as strongly towards another person, as she did towards Remus.

What do you do when faced with unrequited love? Do you wallow in self-pity? Do you bury your feelings and do the best to move on with your life? Or do you fight for what you want? Whatever choice you make, the fact remains that just because love is unrequited does not mean it will evaporate. Almost every, if not all, humans have loved, or will love someone. So, if you're a human, you probably understand exactly what Nymphadora is going through. What would you do?

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After circling the room for the hundredth time, Tonks decided that perhaps a midnight snack would clear her head. She pulled on a jumper, put on her slippers (which happened to be shaped like unicorns) and headed downstairs. She made her way as quietly as she could to the kitchen, doing her best not to knock anything over. And she would have succeeded, if that vase hadn't got in her way. It fell to the floor with a loud crash as it shattered into what seemed to be a million pieces.

"Damn!" Tonks whispered to herself. As she bent and used her wand to repair the damage.

To her surprise, the house remained silent. She smiled slightly and continued on her path to the kitchen. Once there, she couldn't really decide what she wanted. In truth she wasn't really hungry. She rummaged through the fridge until her eyes landed on a plate of brownies that did look rather enticing. She selected the one with the most frosting and seated herself on a stool. After a few bites, her heart seemed to feel a little lighter. After all doesn't life seem sweeter with a little chocolate? When she was halfway through her delicious morsel, she decided that a glass of milk would finish her snack off nicely. She would later praise or curse that idea---depending on when you asked her. She hopped off her stool, took a glass from the cupboard and took the milk from the fridge. Returning to her seat, she proceeded to fill her glass. In the process she accidentally knocked her plate off the counter, it fell to the floor with an all too familiar crash.

"Damn!" She whispered again.

Looking over to see the mess she created, she tumbled off her stool and fell to the floor.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!'' She muttered as she sat amidst the broken china and brownie pieces. She looked up when she heard a soft chuckle. Looking into those all too familiar brown eyes, she wished she had stayed in her bedroom. Remus Lupin, love of her life and slayer of her heart, was standing over her offering her his hand.

"I should have known it would be you found at the scene of the crime." He smiled as he pulled her to her feet.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Her mouth was dry; she could barely form the words.

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