Chapter One : LIFE

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Life is so easily made as it is taken away. "Nova!" "NOVA STAR SCOSHA!" My aunt screamed at me. Walking into my room and pounding on the desk which my head was rested on. Inhaling sharply, trying to not give my aunt Batrice the satisfaction of knowing she had frightened me. "Yes aunt?" I asked with somewhat of a grimace and sarcastic smile. I turned and looked at her. I saw her expression stone cold, I knew she blamed me for the loss of her son, My cousin William. " I'm sending you away to a boarding school in Scotland, I have had enough of you just moping about. You need to learn to be a proper young girl" My aunt had said with no remorse. "I." I had started to say but my aunt cut me off by saying " NO more loud music, No more pranking, NO more fights, you will become a proper lady, you will sew, knit, be polite, speak when spoken too. Instead of your outbursts. You will focus on your education." I knew not to speak after that short burst of rampaging of her ideas of what I should be like. I also knew not to argue, or to tell aunt Beatrice she was wrong. It was one ticket to getting slapped by her and man did those slaps hurt. By no means was she abusing me, she grew up getting slapped if she did something wrong. So I didn't hold it against her, It was my grandparents which I did hold them responsible for teaching them that method of discipline. "You're sixteen now, you're old enough to know when to stop this childish behavior." My aunt explained to me for what seemed like the thousandth time. I believe she saw so much of William in me, that it scared her. He was the one who taught me how to pull pranks, to be different and that it was okay. He always told me every night that he would be there for me no matter what. I was there when he died.  I was at a movie theater near our house. The movie had just ended and my friends drove off, they knew I had a ride because William was old enough and I was not. We were driving home when a drunk driver hit into his side of the car. He had died instantly, while I gat minor injuries. I remember waking up and seeing my aunt cry, back then she was nicer and came along on our crazy adventures. After will had died she became cold and distant. She had banned any pranks in the house any music that reminded her or will, and took up on me to becoming a lady. I never knew than what I know now, Grief and death can take away the brightest of people and leave them as empty shells. I did not know these things when I was younger. My parents had died when I was just a baby, and my aunt wasn't close with them, she still grieve but it wasn't like when will died. I blinked and I wasn't trapped in my thoughts any more. My aunt was no longer in my room. "Well, looks like I need to start packing." I muttered under my breath. I pushed myself out from my desk and stood up from my chair. I walked into my closet and pulled out some suitcases, walked back to my bed and put them on top of it. After I did that I opened my dressers and started to pill all of my clothes and put them in the suitcases. My aunt walked in and saw what I was doing "oh good your packing, I took the privilege of getting your uniform for you." "Thank you aunt Beatrice." It was an automatic response. I was upset that she was sending me away, Turned into someone her old self would have not liked, and the fact she acts as if there never was a William in this house. "I'll just put your uniform on your dresser." My aunt said breaking me out of my thoughts. I really had to stop talking in my head of these thoughts and focus. I nodded my head to show that I acknowledged what she had said. " I'll be starting dinner soon, Come into the dining room when you are finished packing, and we can talk more about your new school and how your going to get there." I Nodded my head and went back to trying to focus on my packing but my thoughts captured me.

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