Winter Miracle

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WARNING! I didn't check grammar.. spelling errors occured~~~ 


Six months, it has been six months since he moved to Tokyo to pursue his master degree and six months since he declared a long distance relationship with his Sun. It would be a lie if he said that he didn't missed his Sun, in fact he missed him so much till it makes him almost gone crazy. He was that close to book a ticket back home if his professor didn't ask him to helped him throughout the winter holiday . He missed him, no chat or video call could aid his eagerness to be with him, he want to hugged him, sleep with him, kiss him, feel him. He could have declined his professor request, but it was an opportunity that he knew if he decline his P'Arthit would be disappointed.

Kongbop went inside his apartment, he brushed off the snow that covered his coat and place it on the hanger. Right after he placed his bag on his desk, he quickly dropping his body on the bed. The snowstorm was quite a hassle, the train service was stopped for a while because the snow has covered the railway. Making all train delayed for about 30 minutes, making him tired after all the things he has to do today. He closed his eyes for a few second before reaching out his phone in his pocket. He went to looked out a message, from all the message that popped out in his LINE there were not a single message came from him. He must be busy Kongbop tried not be bitter with that, his Arthit has told him that he will be out of town for few days and there might not be a signal there because he will be gone into a small village in the south part of the country.

Kongbop was hoping at least a single how are you or what are you doing message would appear to ease his tiring day. Well he knew how hard it was to get a signal in the countryside so he just have to wait. He hoped, that he will received at least a message from him, because tomorrow was his birthday, the very first birthday he had to celebrate without him. Kongbop send him a good night message and a sticker before he went into the bathroom to take a shower and sleep.

The next morning, Kongbop woke up feeling fresh. He quickly looked into his LINE message to see whether his beloved boyfriend has replied him back. There were bunch of messages saying happy birthday to him, there was even a call from his parents to say happy birthday to him, yet there was still not a single message from Arthit's chat room. Kongbop felt hurt, because usually it was P'Arthit who would congratulate him first, Kongbop tried not to be bitter about it. His P'Arthit was busy, he hoped maybe he could get a message from him in the afternoon.

Kongbop was showering when he heard his phone rang. Without thinking twice he went out to looked at the person who called him, having a thought that it was P'Arthit calling him, sadly it wasn't. It was Nook, one of his friend from his class who also pursuing master degree like him. With a heavy sighed, Kongbop picked up the call.


"Hey buddy! Happy Birthday Na!!"

"Ehm.. Thank you, friend" Kongbop replies doesn't sounds happy at all.

"Ei, why do you sounds so sad? Today is your birthday! You should be happy!"

"Yea... right.." Kongbop voice was still flat.

"Ei.. Don't be sad my friend, I know you've been tired with the professor this few days. Tell you what, tonight you will have the most fun night ever. You didn't forget about tonight Christmas eve dinner right? Our meet up point will be at 8pm at the usual station. Don't forget to bring the present too. We will have tons of fun tonight bro!"

Kongbop almost slapped himself, he almost forgot about the Christmas eve dinner and the exchange of gift.

"Ok.. I'll meet you guys there at 8pm" He sighed again before ended the call. He might need to rush things up with his professor today so he could have time to buy a gift. He once again looked through Arthit's chat room, there were still not a single reply for him. Kongbop tried to brush off his mind, he can't have bad mood throughout the day. He need to set aside his emotion for a while. He will try to make an international call later if Arthit still didn't reply him by noon.

{Kongbop x Arthit} You're My MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now