Is This The End?...

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Yoshiki stood on another platform from everyone else, his right hand over his bleeding right eye. He was in pain but he expected it since he did just sacrifice himself so his friends could leave Heavenly Host.

Naomi, Satoshi, Naomi, Yuka and Magali had started walking away when Satoshi stopped. He didn't want to go. His best friend/Crush was going to be forgotten by everyone, even himself. Satoshi turned around and looked back towards the blonde who had turned his attention to him. He was giving Satoshi a glare with his good eye but it wasn't out of hate, it was out of a form of protection.

"I'm not leaving this place." Satoshi announced to his friends, earning looks of shock, confusion and upset. " have to!" Naomi practically screamed but Satoshi shook his head, "I don't want to forget Kishinuma. I can't!". Ayumi tapped her foot on the floor, "You ARE leaving and then you won't be as upset.". The statement made Satoshi take a step back which made Yuka run and hug him. "Onii Chan want to stay for Yoshiki Kun??". Satoshi nodded and looked down at his sister, "You know why and maybe now is the time to tell him...right??". Yuka nodded, hugged her brother tight and then went back to Naomi's side. Satoshi sighed, "I won't forget any of you. Look after Yuka!", and with that, Satoshi ran across the bridge separating the two platforms. It crumbled and collapsed when he got across. Satoshi watched his friends go and leave Heavenly Host and when he turned back, Yoshiki collapsed. "Yoshiki Kun!!" Satoshi panicked as he ran and knelt down, looking into Yoshiki's good eye. "I'm sorry I stayed but I couldn't leave you! I'm sorry Yoshiki! I love you!..."

Yoshiki looked at the brunette in confusion until he felt Satoshi's lips on his own. Yoshiki closed his eye and returned the kiss before he fell limp in Satoshi's arms...

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