Chapter 1

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I.M is looking for another prey, he's hungry for blood. It's been awhile since he had it in his system due to his busy schedule with his band members. Today is his day off but during the morning and afternoon he wasn't able to go out on his own because Wonho wanted him to help him work on a song he was currently writing and after that Jooheon wanted to do a Vlive together with him since fans were asking about him.

It was ten thirty pm once he was finally by himself, the rest of the boys ran off to somewhere to enjoy themselves outside. He is now in a good mood, he wants to try something different, human blood.

He goes outside and starts to look for his prey. He specifically looks for a drunk looking person so that the task becomes easier for him.

I.M sees a girl at the bus stop, he notices how she sluggishly stands by the bus stop. But actually the girl is tired she just came back from a party and was completely annoyed to find out that she didn't bring enough money for a taxi and her friends didn't want to leave the party yet so they let her leave. She wishes she never agreed to go to the party, it was just a waste of her time but they practically begged her to come and wouldn't leave her alone until she said yes.

She's glad that at least she didn't drink any alcohol, it would've been more difficult to get home and on top of that she promised her parents she would try and come visit them even if it was very late at night.

I.M comes up to her which startled the girl for a second but once she realised it was I.M from Monsta x her eyes become huge and her hands fly to her mouth. She starts hyperventilating. She couldn't believe her eyes.

I.M gives her a cute smile "I can see you know who I am." he chuckles. He places his hand on her shoulder, keeping eye contact and asks where she's going. Still shaken she replies "I'm going home."

"Are you in a rush?" He raises an eyebrow. She was not in a rush at all but she did tell her parents she would come back tonight to visit because she moved out and lives two hours away, however this is Changkyun from Monsta X who she was dying to meet. Obviously she is going to say she's not in a rush 'I'll just tell my parents something came up and I won't be able to make it tonight.' she thought.

"No I'm not, why?" She asks with curiosity,
"Well I am feeling a little lonely, all the boys including my manager are all out and I wasn't feeling like going out tonight. I just wanted have some fresh air and maybe have a nice talk with a stranger, these type of things give me inspirations in the songs I write." He continues "Who knows you could be my next inspiration." I.M just hopes he will be able to lure the girl quickly because his stomach is literally eating itself right now.
The girl finds this a bit suspicious but still agrees.

"So where we walking to?" She asks while awkwardly walking next to him.
"How about we walk towards my dorm?" She nods and says a small "Okay."
For the next five minutes they walk quietly next to each other enjoying each other company.

The girl tried very hard to contain her excitement, she still couldn't believe she's walking right next to I.M! And he wanted her company.


They finally reach the dorm, the girl thought this was the end, she turns around to say goodbye as she knew that she wasn't gonna enter because she just came for a walk and nothing else. Boy was she mistaken, He grabs her hand "Where are you going, I thought you weren't in a rush?"
She froze "I-i- thought that I was just walking you to your dorm and that was it" she gave a nervous laugh.

Her eyes got even bigger when she saw he literally awed at loud at her, he looked like a sweet kitten. "No you misunderstood me sweetheart, I wanted you to hang out with me" then he proceeded to intertwine her hands with his and walked inside the building.

The girl was deeply confused and wondered why he picked her out of all other girls especially considering her chocolate like skin tone she was obviously not asian. She still enjoyed all this though.
Once they entered his dorm room, I.M finally let loose, he pushed the girl against the wall and connected his lips with her. The girl was so stunned that it took her a minute to comprehend what just happened and like before because it was I.M she slowly relaxed and started to kiss back. His plan was to trick her into thinking that he wanted to have sex with her.
After a few minutes of just kissing he felt like it was now time to eat his dinner.

He moves to her neck, the entire time he was caressing her body as a result she pants in pleasure. To her this felt like a dream, she didn't ever want to stop, she-

All of a sudden she felt an immense pain in her neck, she starts nudging him to stop biting so hard but he wouldn't budge and the pain was becoming worse so she starts screaming, trashing around to escape his hold but he was too strong.
He brings out one of his hand and quickly covered the girls mouth with it so that the screams will not be heard.

I.M was really enjoying his food, he was really amazed 'for some reason today's dinner tastes way too good' he let out a low moan while drinking the blood like it was water.

The girl starts to become weak but she didn't give up, 'I will not die by my bias-wrecker, if someone will kill me it should be my bias itself' she thought and she gives one last hard kick to I.M's crotch.

He drops almost immediately in pain, it was the first time for him to be kicked in the balls, usually his band members slap him in that area but he never had a kick in his crotch

His bloody mouth has now turned into a frown and his face looks like he just ate a lemon. He watches in pain as the girl staggeringly runs away while pressing down on the bleeding wound on her neck.
She grabs the door handle and runs out of the room. She continues running down the hall and when she turns a corner she bumps into someone.


Hyungwon wanted know what was going on since he heard a ruckus in I.M's room while he was walking towards his room someone bumped into him, he caught himself before he fell.

He looked down at who bumped into him to ask if the person was okay but he gasped out of shock once he saw huge amounts of blood around the girls neck. He saw how she was leaning on him for support. He instantly knew what happened and was angry to find out that Changkyun for the first time tried to kill a human for their blood, the members made an oath to never hurt humans or to treat them as a prey since their fans are also humans.

Hyungwon was really mad that I.M broke his oath but before he could go and argue with him, he contained his anger because he needed to save this girl first.

He picked the girl up in bridal style and ran towards his room, while running to his room he tried to keep the girl awake by talking to her but it wasn't working. He panicked.

She muttered a small "Thank you." before closing her eyes completely.
Hyungwon finally got to his room, he kicked it open with force and quickly placed her on his bed, he didn't care if the sheets got dirty at all.

Hyungwon had to think for a moment, she has bled so much and her pulse is barely there and the only way to save her is to turn her into a vampire itself. He didn't want her to become a vampire and go through all of the things they are currently going through but at the same time he didn't want her to die either.

Hyungwon took one good look at her, he then realised she was very beautiful, he couldn't just let her go. He made his decision. He bent his head where her neck was and whispered "Areum dawo" before placing his lips on her neck and transferring his saliva in her open wound before sealing it.

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