Episode 21

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''Wow, Jimin! I've been waiting for you to call.'' Hye Na exclaims on the phone.

''Right, I know.'' He says quickly, as the look on Yoongi's face grows impatient as time passes. 

''Last time we talked, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?'' She asks.

''Tick tock babe,'' Yoongi whispers in his other ear, his lips coming gently on Jimin's neck. 

''Um...'' He stutters, ''Yeah. I-I do need to talk...'' He stops. ''Can you stop? I'm on the phone.'' Jimin pushes Yoongi away gently. 

''Yeah, I'm here. We should meet up, and talk about what I wanted to talk about.'' Jimin concludes. 

''Sure, maybe tomorrow. Say noon, at the coffee shop 5 minutes from your house.'' She explains. 

''Sure. I will be there.'' He finishes and hangs up the phone. 

''When are you going to tell her?'' Yoongi asks. 

''She wants to meet up with me tomorrow at noon. In the coffee shop.'' 

''You were supposed to tell her over the phone that it was over.'' He says, raising an eyebrow. 

''I was going to, but her and I had a long run. We had a good thing, and I ended it for reasons. I think that it would be unfair to just tell her that it's done, and I don't want to work things out, without giving her a full explanation.'' He explains. 

''That's reasonable.'' 

''Next time, don't turn me on while I'm on the phone,'' Jimin warns. 

''Just couldn't help my self.'' Yoongi smiles. 


Next Day

Jimin wakes up, legs wrapped around Yoongi, while Yoongi's arms are securely wrapped around him. He lifts his head and peeks at the clock. 

''10:00'' He whispers to himself. ''Babe...'' He whispers, caressing his cheek. 

''Huh...'' Yoongi says, his eyes never opening. Not a single expression emerges from his face, as his baby like appearance glows more, with his sleep. 

''Can you let me go? I have to meet up with Hye Na-ah in an hour.'' 

''Just 10 more minutes then.'' Yoongi's grip tightens around Jimin. 

''No, I might be late meeting up with her. I don't want to be late.'' Jimin admits. 

''Why is meeting up with her so important. Doesn't matter if you're late, you'll still show up.'' Yoongi talks in his neck. 

''Stop doing that, It's too early to have me turned on.'' Jimin moves away, from him. 

''Is it really?'' Yoongi flips Jimin under him. 

''Yes it is.'' Jimin slips out from under him and stands up. 

He runs to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 

The next few minutes, he spent in the bathroom, getting ready, with Yoongi stuck to him. 

''You might want to cover those up.'' Yoongi points out the vibrant hickeys covering Jimin's neck and collarbone. 

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