Chapter Ten

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I floated in the water with my eyes closed; I was in a deep sleep. I didn't need sleep, and sleep made me lose things, but it made the days go by quicker... and after almost an eternity you want the days to go by a quickly as they can.

My mind started to wander, past memories emerged, and several voices started mocking me, all I could hear in my sleep were the words, 'freak' and 'Humanoid.'I liked it under water, nobody could find me, most Angels can't go under water because they can't swim (because they fly), and they worry for their wings which aren't normally water proof due to their 'beautiful, white' feathers.

None of the Angels could find me in the waters.

Darkness made me flinch in my dream, almost every single jewel popped into my head screaming at me in their human forms, ruby, diamond, sapphire... and Sophie... I could hear her crying, and I felt nothing of it. Emotions barely ever came to me, I'm incapable of naturally feeling emotions, but I could mimic them... sometimes. I haven't seen someone else show emotion for several years... that is until last night.

Fear... fear was all I could project, and fear was what I refused to show.

But that didn't stop my whole body from jerking and a jolt of fear run through me, forcing me to wake up when I heard a loud scream. I sighed a wobbly sigh, bubbles like jellyfish leaving my mouth, as I held my trembling hands to my face, why my hands were trembling I couldn't really understand.

I wasn't scared and my heart wasn't thumping like a children's drum. I looked around the water, it was clear and, what most people would call, pretty. I was miles from the mainland and I liked it out here. None of the animals annoyed me, I closed my eyes again as I listened, I could hear fish blobbing their bubbles, the waves crashing in the far off distance and forming on the surface, the sound of some arguing King Crabs came to my ears, their claws slashing and swiping at each other.

But I was somewhat annoyed when I heard another scream.

I opened my eyes; my black hair was floating around aimlessly in the water, I pushed it aside as I tried to listen for what it was or how far away it was. I leaned forwards to try and listen, I felt like siren or a mermaid.

For a moment there was nothing, even the crabs seem to finish their fight, I watched as some air bubbles escaped my lips. I couldn't breathe under water, but I could hold my breath underwater longer than any whale or dolphin. I should know; I've had holding breath competitions with humpback whales when they come by to migrate.

Vibrations formed through the waters, and I could feel it before I could hear it. The screaming was real; I blinked several times before I managed to stand up, my feet slightly floated off the ground for a moment. I walked out from under the large rock I was sleeping under and was out in the complete open. The screaming didn't stop; I turned to way I thought I could hear it coming from.

That mainland...



Lola started digging through the sand again and the glittering light seemed to reveal itself, Lola picked it up and stared at it, it looked like a broken shard from a hand mirror or something. Lola ran her fingers over the edges of the shard; she could see her distorted face in the reflective glass.

Lola started fiddling with her hair; it was oily and messy looking. Her hands ran through several locks and tucked some behind her ear.

Along the border of the beach, the bushes and trees lined up, some of the bushes started rustling. Lola turned her head and looked towards some of bushes, they seemed to be thirty or so metres down the beach. At first it looked like a large snake or some sort of centipede, it's upper body lifted into the air and swayed back and forth... only to reveal two arms, and hair seemed to sprout from its head, it's body seemed to catch up to the rest of it and was soon a figure was standing on the beach.

The Jewels; Mother of Pearl (#ABA2017)Where stories live. Discover now