Jojo x Reader 1

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Authors Note (A/N): Welcome to my series of Jojo x Reader Fanfictions! You, the reader, will be referred to as Y/N, now, time to start!!

You were sleeping. It was a calm type of sleeping. You weren't having a dream, or maybe a good one. No one would know the answer but you.

Maybe today would be a good day, you thought in your head after waking up in a room you grew accustomed to over the last few months.

Her face was plastered all over the room as an attempt to seem happy and jolly, but you knew how she really was under that dark veil of secrets. Her name was Jojo Siwa, and you really loved her, you really did, and she loved you back of course, just not in the same way.

Today you thought you could start off your day on a good note. Turning over on your side, you noticed that Jojo was in a peaceful sleep. Careful not to stir her awake, you slowly made your way out of bed to leave the room.

Just as you touched the doorknob, you heard her loud voice call out from the back of the room.
"Not so fast, Y/N," Jojo said from behind you, "We still haven't even greeted eachother this morning, have we?"

A shiver goes down your spine. You were certain that she was asleep when you were about to leave the room.

Slowly turning yourself towards where you heard Jojo's voice, you are greeted by her morning figure. Her hair was still tied up in that ridiculously tight ponytail with her signature large bow pinned to it. She may have seemed normal from far away, but up close you could realize how tall she was. She easily towered over you and it just added to her intimidation factor.

As Jojo walked closer, you could see she was hiding something behind her back, using one hand to grip it while using the other to make sure her bow was in the right place after getting out of bed.

She was muttering under her breath, the most you could catch was, "Oh Y/N, how I love to do this every morning..."

As Jojo got closer to you, your sense of hope quickly depleted until it reached a point of no return. As soon as she she was sleds than a foot from you, she started talking.

"How was your morning Y/N!" Jojo said in her voice, which was extremely loud upfront and had damaged your hearing quite a bit.

"My morning was just fine, Jojo." You respond in some bleak amount of hope she would leave you be that morning.

All that hope was lost as soon as she revealed what she was hiding behind her back. It was a knife, one you had seen one too many times. She still had not washed it, leaving you to drown in memories of past physical and verbal abuse.

Terror fills your body as Jojo quickly locks the door shut. The entire room had been soundproofed, requested by Jojo, so no one could hear your screams of pain.

This was always why you wore long sleeves in public, you never showed more skin than you had to, because if anyone found out about this kind of relationship, Jojo would have you assassinated at once, maybe even killing you herself.

All you feel is Jojo sliding up your sleeves, revealing hundreds of scars from over the past months you two had been together.

"This is going to be so fun Y/N! Let's go think up some new merch after this, alright!"

She starts cutting down your arm, leaving a huge cut from your shoulder to your elbow. You scream in pain, but you know her idiot parents or brother won't hear you.

It seems to go on forever, new cuts blooming from your arm as each minute passes, until Jojo finally reaches her supposed goal.

You feel yourself becoming dreary of the present. Your vision is darkening and you start to lose consciousness. Seeing this, Jojo screams and hits you with the whip she kept under your bed in times like these.

Wondering why you never try to stop her from doing this to you, you struggle to stay awake from the amount of blood loss. Your body seems to have had enough. You black out after hearing Jojo's last words to your bleeding body.

"My new shirts are coming out soon Y/N! I hope you'll wear them..."


You wake up the next day, seeing Jojo asleep next to you, you check your arms to see if they are bandaged up. After seeing the bandages, you quickly get out of bed and run towards the door. You start turning the knob when you hear her raspy voice.

"I u s e f o u r p o n y t a i l s p e r p o n y t a i l ."

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