Beebo- Okay since no one has brought this up yet...
Beebo- RAY MY D000D
RayofSun- yes?
Beebo- Show us ur n00ds
Dadylonglegs- I apologize for him he hasn't slep in three days
Dadylonglegs- What he means is that for the cult initiation you have to state your name, sexuality, age and a photo so we know that you're not one our moms
Starfish- ONE OF THEM!!!!!
RayofSun- Okay... My name is Ray, I'm 15, and I never learned how to fucking read
Starfish- can I adopt you????????
RayofSun- Wat??!!!?!???
MikeyWentz- Thats Patrick he is now your mother, congratulations!
RayofSun- I feel the need to call a therapist for all of you
Ryro- jOkes on YoU I aLreAdy hAvE onE
Dadylonglegs- *pats u on bacc* is okay we gots you ryan
Beebo- k Dwas nyskyshs wen did u becom u frens
Geesus- Ooooh Beebo getting jelly
Ryro- ohohoh the tables have turned
Beebo- Go stub your toe
Beebo- Whoops I'll just leave
Dadylonglegs- No Brendon!!!!
Falling In Love Will Kill You
Fanfiction"and she said shut up you fool, you're falling in love, again" 𖤐𖤐𖤐 Multi ship AU *WARNING* GAY DRAMA T E A MEMES G A Y ITS FUCKING GAY AS FUCK LITERALLY GAY OI GET OUT MEH SWAMP