What happend

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Zak Pov

When I woke up Sarah was still on the floor. I was trying to remember what happend. The only thing that I could think of was me yelling Sarah watch out. Then she black out then me. When I was done thinking I herd some one moving it was Sarah so I run to Sarah and hold here to my chest. She was starting to wake up, her eyes open and when she saw me she said" what happend". I said "Sofia did this she wasn't the sweet little ghost that you meet. She was possessed. "I'm sorry Zak I should've listened to you." Sarah sweet heart it's not your fault ok stop crying ok. " ok Zak". So when I picked up Sarah I put her on the bed. And I said to Sarah hey I'm going to finish this ok. " Zak no you will get hurt. Babe I'll be fine ok I love you Sarah. I'll come back to you." So I left went down starts and I'm going to fined this bitch. So I call the guys "hey guys I need at my house know, the door is unlocked and I'll be in my dongen. " hey and ok we are on our way zak.

Sarah pov

So when I woken up Zak pulled me to his Chest and when I opened my eyes I ask "what happened" Zak said Sofia did this. She wasn't the sweet little girl you met. She was possessed. "I'm sorry Zak I should of listened to you." Sarah sweet heart it's not your fault ok stop crying ok, "ok zak" Ofter I said that Zak got up and he picked me up and put me on the bed, and then Zak said To me "I'm going to finish this ok."Zak no! You will get hurt" "babe I'll be fine ok I love you Sarah, I'll come back to you. Then Zak left to go down stairs then I here him talking to someone it sounded like nick and Aaron. So then I here "hey guys I need you guys at my house Know" the door is unlocked and I'll be in my dongen. Hey Zak , and ok we are on our way. When I here'd that I was so scared I don't want them to get hurt. So I hope they stay safe.

Nick and Aaron's pov

So me and nick we where just doing what we normally do when we get back for lock down going though our videos and every thing. Then Me and nick we just stopped at what we were doing and realized that Zak wasn't here yet. So I was about to dill his number when Zak number came up on my phone. So I answered it and said hey Zak ," hey guys I need you guys to come down here like know!. The door is unlocked and I'll be in my dungeon. "Ok we are on our why." Hey nick we need to go know Zak need us. Once I said that nick was already out the door and ready to head over to zaks. So I lock up and got in the car and heading to zak's......... Know we just pulled up to Zak's house. I locked my car up and walked in to the house. "Hey Zak we are here " hey guys down in the dungeon!!. Ok!. so me and nick head down, while we are walking down the stares we ask Zak "hey G what's up, what's wrong?. Hey guys well the reason I called was that me and Sarah got attracted buy Sofia today she was possessed and then she nocked us both out, Said Zak Oh damn G are you guys alright and what do we need to do to bring this bitch down said nick and I. " we are good thanks guys and what we need to do is hunt here down and kill her. I know it's mean but we need to do it. Said Zak. Alright then let's roll said nick and I lol.

Zak Pov

So when I was done talking to the guys I head to the dungeon and sat in my kings chair and waited for them. Then I here'd a car pull up and that when I know the guys where here. So then I here Aaron and nick say, "hey Zak we are here!" hey guys down in the dungeon ok! I heard nick say. When I look up I see them coming down the stairs and while they where walking down the the stairs they said "hey G what's up, what's wrong?" The guys said " hey nick and Aaron well the reason I called was that me and Sarah got attracted buy Sofia today she was possessed and then she nocked both of us out. Oh damn G are you guys alright and what do we need to do to bring this bitch down said nick and Aaron." we are good thanks guys and what we need to do is hunt her down and kill her. I know it's mean but we need to do it. I said Alright then Zak let's roll said nick and Aaron lol.

No once pov

So the guys head up the stairs and they Get in the hummer and head to there last location. Where they had there lockdown, and they hope to fine Sofia there because that the only place they can think of that she would be. So when they get to the Wesley house they get there gear and head InSide to fine the little ass hole. So once they got in and set every thing up again they all split up to make it easy and fast to track down Sofia. So Zak goes upstairs where Sarah first met her. Then nick has the middle floor to see if he can fine some help or some clues to see what could trigger Sofia so they can end here for once and for all. Last but not least Aragon get the fist floor where the demons are at. So yeah Aaron is ghost bate. but what can you do he's good at it lol. Ok so when all of them have there spots they get stated and stated looking. So on the floor where Sarah met Sofia Zak just looks around but didn't fine any thing. So he goes fines nick.

Nick Pov

So after we split up I'm looking around when I fine a little girls room. So I go inside and guess what I fine a little teddy bear so I take it. This would be a good trigger object. so I call for Zak. Zak!!!!! Yeah I'm come to you nick hold on. I here'd Zak say. So I wait then I see him coming around the corner, then I say hey Zak look I found a bear so this can be a good object to get Sofia near us. Good nick said Zak know let's go find Aaron. Ok let's go I said.

Aaron's pov

so I'm on the first floor and I got a lot of voice on the EVP but most of all I'm lost this house is huge. So I start calling for nick and Zak. Zak!!!! ..... Nick!!!! but nothing came back. So then I just waited, but then I here a little gilrs voice and that when I know Sofia was here and she was not playing to play nice . That when I start running then I bump in two someone or something and I look up it's the guys. I said "wow you guys don't know how glade I'm to see you guys. Well glade to see you to Aaron said me and nick. "Wired" I just here'd Sofia over there she was creep looking. Ok said Zak show us where she was so we can put our object over there. Ok I said. So I ago show them the spot and they but the bear down and then next thing we see Is Sofia and she was not a cute girl.

Zak Pov

So when me and nick left the middle floor we where heading to where Aaron was until we heard foot steps and so me and nick ran tortes them and next thing we know someone runs in to us and we look in front of us and it was Aaron. Then Aaron said wow you guys you don't know how glade I'm to see you guys. Well glade to see you to Aaron said me and nick. "Wired" I said in my head lol. So guys I just Hurd Sofia over their. Said Aaron ok show us where she is so we can put our object there and end this for good. I said. Then Aaron shows us I put the object down then, next thing we see is Sofia and she was not the little cute girl. So I said to Sofia "hey stop messing with us and my girlfriend. We don't like it ok so stop. "NO I will not stop. I will do this in till I get what I want. I just some one to notice me!!!!!!. When I heard that I just feet broken there was no need to kill her. She just wanted some to notice her and feel loved. So I know what I can do. So I went up stairs in a big room what I think was here parents room And I found a family photo and went down the stairs and put it bye the bear then next thing we see is a beautiful women and a guy that must be here perents. So when Sofia saw them she was happy then Sofia and her parents. Said... Thank You Zak you helped us fine our baby girl thank you. Know we can rest in peace. And for that we did good. Good job G!!!! Said nick and Aaron. Thanks guys know lest get home I have a wedding to plan.

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