my love

766 27 3

I an terribly sorry for not posting... but you all are just amazing...I mean, just absolutely amazing. thank you for over 5k veiws. all of your comments too; U;

and I ran. ran throygh the trees of the forest wind whipping my hair behind me. adam called out to me but it was lost in my ever racing mind. I slowed to a stop at a little grotto. a little pond with a giant oak tree grew out the centre. surrounded by lifeless trees and shrubbery, my feet crunched over the dead leaves to the edge of the water. I held my tags in one hand and the note in another. I looked down at the pond, a small breeze rippling the water.  the sky grew dark, (oh im moving ty to cali bytheby, I wanna include some other youtubers if you dont mind. make suggestions!) I saw my reflection, and a slow chrystal clear tear dripped down my snow white skin. reaching my powder puff pink lips, it fell and dropped into the water, making some more little ripples. and I saw him. I saw ty, lying unconsious in a small cell, iron bars glowing a dark pirple.
im so sorry. I pulled you into this, and I will get you out if it.

I herd a crackle and smelled burning. I looked at the paper, edges slowly turning charcoal and the glow of ember. I stared in wonder as  I opened my hand, finding that the centre of my palm was a bright white. the paper disinigrated in a poof of ash and dust. I examined my hand and stepped back from the water.


I looked up, the forest still, like it accepted my prescence as well as anothers.


I whirled around,my back tward the pond. cluthing the tags to my chest I herd a high pitched whistle as some white thing flew tward me.

WHAMMM! the thing crashed into the left side of my face knocking me into the pond. I tried to swim, with all my might I tried. but I sunk slowly, my vision in my left eye fading into black. I screamed, but that did no good. so I gave up.


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