Chapter 4 -Shattered Love

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Rose falls to her knees still sobbing, she puts her shaking hand over her mouth. Has her whole life been a lie? Has their friendship been toxic this whole time? Rose only cries more at these thoughts, unable to comfort herself, she gets her phone and goes on the one thing she hadn't blocked Sam on yet and writes.

Rose: We're over, you lying cheating toxic lame excuse for a human being.

Then she blocks him before he can reply, she deletes all her pictures of him all their shared files and accounts, a lifelong friendship over, over just like that. Now all Rose has left is memories of Sam, and a broken trust which she doubts can ever be mended.

"How can I trust anyone ever again? How can I know they won't walk all over me?" Rose asks herself out loud her tears still flowing her hands clenching her heart area. The door to her office was locked so she wasn't afraid to cry, her walls were soundproof allowing for her to let out her cries in emotional pain. Some may see this as over dramatic but her whole life the only person she's had by her side since childhood was him, Sam. Now he was gone, he is dead to her, she wishes he'd just disappear along with the memory of his existence. Why did he do this to her? How could he do this to her? Rose lifts her eyes up quickly as she receives a knock on her door. It was one Keiji would always do before entering, he also is the only one with a key. Rose rapidly wipes her eyes and closes off all her monitors. Suddenly the handle lowers and Keiji walks in.

When she saw Keiji she couldn't hold back her tears start flooding back. His eyes widened as he saw Rose's pitiful state.

"Rose? Are you okay?" He says moving closer to her, Rose could hardly speak through her endless sobbing.

"H-he cheated... on me," Rose says falling into Keiji's arms. Keiji doesn't say anything but just holds Rose tight in his warm embrace.

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