
794 24 2

Warnings: established vampire/human relationship, biting with aphrodisiac effect, sexual content

"jaebum, focus!" seulgi complains, snapping her fingers in his face. he turns to look at her, a pout on his lips.

"i don't want to be here, who actually has study dates?" jaebum questions, wetting his lips with a quick flick of his tongue. he has his fake piercing on his lip, and its tempting to play with it. seulgi rolls her eyes at him, going back to her notes.

"a lot of people have study dates." she clarifies, "and maybe you should actually study. how are you going to pass calculus?"

"calculus is dumb, i'm studying film...why does general education even include calculus? what happened to regular math?"

"that's just how our university works." seulgi giggles, "you're not going to be able to cheat off of jinyoung either, so you should probably start studying." she pulls out his notes, pushing them towards him. jaebum sighs dramatically, but indulges her and starts looking over them.

it lasts for a few minutes and then jaebum's bored again.

this isn't fun. they're sitting in one of the study rooms in the university's library; notes spread out on the table with empty iced coffees and crumbs of a cranberry muffin that they shared. there are plenty of things jaebum would rather be doing than being cooped up in this room studying for midterms. he'd rather be skateboarding, or watching movies; maybe even listening to music, and definitely add making out with seulgi to the list. but no, she's responsible, and she has to do well in everything she strives to do, which includes coursework, and he's weak for her, so in short: he's stuck.

"stop staring at me." she reprimands after catching him stealing glances from the corner of her eyes.

"you're too pretty, it's distracting." jaebum teases, leaning towards her to rest his head on her shoulder, placing a kiss there first.

"your notes are pretty, stare at them instead." she shrugs him off, and jaebum sulks over it. she has a point, his notes are pretty organized and neat, but that's also because of seulgi. his own notes are chicken-scratch, and she's kind enough to spend time redoing them for him. he doesn't know what he did to deserve her, but damn, is he thankful.

he forces himself to study for a good ten minutes, and then he's back to finding distractions. there's so many temptations, most of them caused by seulgi.

seulgi was wearing one of his pull overs earlier, and she has recently removed it thanks to the stuffiness of the room. jaebum's now being confronted with the sight of his girlfriend in sports leggings and a crop top, and he's a hormonal young adult. seulgi takes pride in her figure, spends hours and hours dancing and working out to maintain it, and jaebum has spent hours and hours appreciating it. he tears his eyes away, and looks around the room, taking deep breaths in hopes to calm his hormones.

it takes at least five minutes for his naughtier thoughts to go away, seulgi paying him no mind, too busy focusing on her textbook. he stretches his limbs, yawns obnoxiously, repeatedly clicks his pen in hopes of gaining her attention. he gets nothing in return. so he groans, lying face down on the table and accepts his fate.

he feels like he dozed off for a bit, since the next time he opens his eyes, he finds seulgi pacing the room, textbook in hand and her hair pulled up into a bun. it's no big deal, to anyone else, but it's huge for jaebum.

he's a vampire, has been since high school when a sunbae turned him during a walk home late night from cram school. seulgi knows, has known since day one of their relationship, and it's a part of their norm now, but she forgets as well. like quite a few lovesick vampires, jaebum is extremely attracted to seulgi's scent. he doesn't feed on her often, once every blue moon, and usually only when the blood bank runs dry. he eats normal foods, still enjoys stews a lot, lives his life like any other of his human friends, but his vampire side still has urges. its easier to go to the blood bank, where donors voluntarily give blood so that little packs and viles can be given to hungry vampires, but the nearest one is far from campus. it's a trek that he can't afford during the middle of the semester. he usually stocks up, has them packed away in a mini-fridge in his studio apartment, but it's been a while since he's been back; a combination of school, sports, and seulgi getting in the way.

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