Bird box

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A women in her mid 30s was on an adventure with her two kids, but for her it was more like a mission. They had 3 rules
1. Keep your blindfolds on
2. Listen to every instruction
3. If they don't listen they die
Malorie was the women's name and she was determined to live.
5 years earlier
Malorie was 7months pregnant and was an exquisite artist. She loved to create abstract and surreal paintings. Her sister arrived home,
To there tiny 1 bedroom studio, with bags of groceries.
"Did you get the groceries?" Malorie asked
"Yesss, when am I gonna stop doing your groceries" Jessica asked annoyed
" when I stop being pregnant, does that give you your answer"
All of a sudden the tv turns on and all the news channels start flicking through stating mass suicides in Russia and Europe.
Malorie and Jessica stare at the tv inquisitively
"Omg how terrible!" Jessica stated
"We need to right now!" Jessica said worried
" no we're fine, it's happening in Russia. And beside we can't because I've got an appointment with dr. Lapham." Malorie said with no emotion in her face
"REALLY" Jessica said excitedly
"Yh... but I'm not gonna go, we could maybe go see a horse." A/n there father was a cowboy and they grew up with horses.
" no we have to go see the little bean, I bet she's adorable" Jessica said
"How do you know it's a girl??"
"Just a wild guess" jess replied
At the hospital
"Ok so your 7 months along your pregnancy and your  baby is the size of a  melon. in about 2 and a half months you will probably give birth  because your child will be overdue by the look of the position of the baby" dr lapham said
"A MELON" the girls said in unison
"Are you sure you don't wanna know the gender?" dr lapham asked
"Nope we wanna keep it a surprise" Jess stated.
"Ok well your ready to go" dr said
"I'll see you in a month"
"Bye" they both said in unison
As they were leaving malorie told Jess she needed the toilet and told her to wait for her in the car. Leaving the bathroom after her business, she walked in the hallway and a girl with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes  was just staring At her and she had a stary look in her eye. Then all of a sudden she started banging her head into the glass and killed herself. Malorie panicked and rushed to the car.
" it's here NOW!! the thing in Russia is here NOW!! We need to go" malorie said.
" wha- what, what is happening?" Jess questioned
" I'll explain later just drive"
So they drove of swerving all of the accidents and explosions until Jess starts crying and swerving the car all over the road. She has the same stary look in her eyes as the girl did in the hospital. She began to curse and all of a sudden the car flipped and the 2 girls inside got badly hurt. Then Jess got out of the car and walked into a semi truck and killed herself.
Malorie was shocked but her instinct was to just run and make sure her baby was ok.
She just kept running and running but she kept getting knocked down harshly onto her stomach. Then a women in her 40s named Lydia walks out of her house and offers to let malorie into her house for safety, but Lydia starts to get the stary look in her eyes and starts talking about her dead mother. She starts crying heavily, then with no emotion she walks into a car on fire and burns alive. Malorie finds shelter and stays Safe.
A/n I'm not including all the film because it would take to long to write as I'm already on 651 words so ahhh...

5 years later
Malorie and her 2 kids boy and girl made it all across the river for 48 hours and arrived at a school for the blind. Hundreds of people were there, blind and sighted. Malorie knew her and the kids were going to be safe. They were being toured around the area by Rick and all of a sudden malorie spots someone very familiar.
"Hello malorie" said dr lapham peacefully
Malorie was speechless and just gave dr lapham a massive emotional hug. Dr knelt down in front of the 2 kids and asked what there names were.
"Boy" boy said
"Girl" girl said
"Actually girl, your name is Olympia, named after the nicest girl I ever met and boy your name will be Tom after the man that risked his life for us.
2 years earlier
Malorie and Tom were in a relationship and seeked shelter with boy and girl. Tom was a tall buff black man who's goal was to survive. One afternoon they went on a supply trip and the psychos who don't react to the suicides wanted to kill them all. Tom told the  2 kids and malorie to escape, and if he wasn't back within 15 minutes to leave without him.
"I love you so much" Tom said and gave malorie his special necklace. Tom got shot by the psychos and risked his life to save malorie and the kids
2 years later
The kids were so excited to have names and dr lapham suggested they go play with the other kids so she introduced them and they all played together. Malorie knew this was a good place for her and the kids and knew they were gonna have a good life
The end
A/n Ik this isn't the best but it's my first one shot and in the future I'm not gonna do the whole story I'm gonna miss bits out bc otherwise it would be to long but if you likes it, plz vote and leave a comment on what you would like me to do a one shot story on. ( doesn't have to be Netflix)
Thx for reading 🥰🥰

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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