Chapter Four: Road Trip - continued

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Mark agressively shakes the two of them awake.

"Mmmph." Ethan mumbles.

"Ethan, Tyler, It's almost 2," he whispers. They both resistantly sit up with a groan and pack up their stuff.

"Back to the Barrel," Mark pushes them along. As the boys head back to the Barrel, Tyler runs ahead to set up the sleeping quarters. Ethan runs behind him. As Mark follows sleepily behind, Tyler realises something.

"Shit," Tyler curses under his breath.

"What's up?" Ethan asks with slight concern.

"There's only enough room for two beds in the Barrel." He sighed "It's okay though, I can sleep outside," He fake sighs.

Ethan does not pick up on his sarcasm.

"I guess it was gonna happen, considering we wanted to take the whole gang." He chuckles. "We really didn't think this through did we."

"I did." Tyler smirks.

Ethan slaps Tyler's arm and they both jump into the van.

Tyler and Ethan squeeze into the sleeping bag, forcing them to cuddle, of course - not that they minded.

Mark smirked at what he had done, he was proud of himself. 'Best wingman ever,' he thinks.

Tired from exhaustion, they go straight to bed and fall asleep quickly.

Except Ethan, he still thinks about what happened before.


The crack of dawn arrives and Ethan realised he finally fell asleep. Mark believes he is the first one to wake up and with a stretch he checks his phone; '7:30 am', not too shabby.

As quietly as he can, he carefully climbs into the drivers seat, turns the ignition and slowly drives to the nearest fast food drive through.

In a mere few minutes, Mark arrives and stops quickly, just before the drive through.

He gently shakes them awake, "C'mon you sleepy heads," he says, shaking Tyler roughly by the shoulders.

Ethan yawns and stretches, Tyler rubs his eyes.

"I drove us to Mc Donald's, what do you guys want for breakfast? My shout," he smiles.

"NYC Benedict Bagle with a Medium flat white, please," Tyler mumbles, putting his pillow over his head halfway through his sentence.

"Got it." Mark turns to Ethan.

"Pancakes and a medium chocolate frappacino please, Mark," He smiles.

"Alright, you two hold tight, I'm gonna go get the food," He pats Tyler's arm and winks.

And with that, he hops out of the car to get breakfast.

Back to Ethan and Tyler in the Barrel

Ethan snuggles up against Tyler's chest, and yawns loudly. Tyler grins and slowly strokes his hair.

Ethan holds him tighter and the two big bois sit with thoughts about the night before, dancing around in their heads. Exhaustion hits Ethan like a ton of bricks, causing his eyes to feel heavy as he almost falls back asleep.

Seemingly as soon as he shut his eyes, Mark was back. Tyler groaned out of exhaustion, "Food."

They all dig in. And after breakfast, they discuss what their plans are for the rest of the trip.

"So, what about the road trip?"

"What ABOUT the road trip?" Tyler said.

"Well, we didn't exactly plan how long we would be away from home; how long do you wanna stay in the Barrel? I feel like we gotta have some sort of plan," he explained

"Well I think no plan is a fun plan," Ethan said. "But," he paused "I have wanted to go to the beach for a while-"

"And you haven't been to the beach since that sandcastle video," Tyler said, pointing at Mark.

"And that strange video where you just stared at the camera for half an hour," Ethan laughed.

"I suppose you're right," Mark agreed.

"Oh shit wait, did everyone pack their suimsuits?"

"I always come prepared," Tyler replied.

"Yep," Ethan said.

"Awesome! To the beach!"

He hopped in the front and turned on the vehicle.

"I call DJ!" Ethan yelled to Mark.

"Alrighty," Mark chucked his phone in the back seat without looking.

Ethan scrounged around the seats, found it and thought for a minute.

"Aha!" He put on 'Shotgun' by George Ezra. They boogied all the way to the beach, opening all the windows, putting their heads out the window like dogs, letting the wind flow through their hair.

Ethan was having the time of his life, he was happy to be out with friends.

They all felt good to be away from home for once.

🎶 Time flies by in the yellow and green,
Stick around and you'll see what I mean,
There's a mountain top, that I'm dreaming of,
If you need me you'll know where I'll be,

I'll be riding shotgun,
Underneath the hot sun,
Feeling like a someone,

I'll be riding shotgun,
Underneath the hot sun,
Feeling like a someone. 🎶

A few minutes pass...

A/N: Oh boy oh boy, how fun this was to write.

And sorry if this felt like a bit of a filler chapter, I feel like it wasn't as good.

But hey, don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! I've also gone back and edited all of the chapters again so that's cool, I'm thinking of continuing this story again to get my mind off school n life n shit. gottem

- Lucy <3

Edit: yo I'm feeling like myself again boiiis! Time to celebrate w pewdiepie (go watch this song it's reel gud: )

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