Chapter Twenty Five

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Without warning, he started spinning, Lola's whole body getting flung around. "Billy!" Lola cried, "Billy! Billy, stop now!" He suddenly stopped, Lola's mind was spinning and she had the idea her eyes were too.

"Lola okay?" he asked slowly.

Lola could only get out groans and grunts as her dizziness continued to overwhelm her speech. So she didn't notice it when Billy had dropped her when he got attacked by other Dark Angels until she hit the ground.

Lola went wide eyed, "damn..." she said as she sat up, the whole world continued to spin too quickly, but she could somewhat see what was going on.

Lola watched as the Dark Angels continued to attack Billy, their attacks soon turned into looping ropes around his chubby arms, and even one around his neck. When Billy tried to loosen or remove the one around his neck, his arms would be pulled away. Billy was forced to his knees and continued to lash out at the Dark Angels he could reach, which sadly weren't very many.

"Billy... Billy stop!" Lola yelled.

It was as if the whole world had stopped, Billy froze where he stood and stared with glassy eyes at Lola. Something about that ugly troll seemed so innocent. Lola got up and ran over to him, "Billy, calm down," she simply attempted saying, but being still dizzy came out slightly slurred, she staggered where she stood and used Billy's leg to lean on for a moment to catch her balance, "you'll be okay, just go with these..." she looked around at some of the Dark Angels, some of them shocked while others a little annoyed, "people," Lola managed to finish.

The Dark Angels suddenly yelled demands of their own, which Billy seemed to follow. Lola was pushed back, which seemed to cause Billy some grief, and Lola fell over.

They binded his hands with thick ropes, some of the Dark Angels reined above him, holding ropes that were looped around his neck and his shoulders, there were others guiding him forwards down another doorway. Before the door, Billy looked over to Lola, who remained watching from where she was. However sweet the troll seemed, he still scared her and may have caused a concussion.

He was soon urged down the hallway by one of the Dark Angels, Lola gestured for him to go. Billy disappeared down the hallway with about eight other Dark Angels.

Lola slowly got to her feet, "a troll thinks I'm pretty," Lola mumbled with somewhat surprise and modesty, "not too sure how to take that..."

It took Lola a moment to realise she was in plain view in a room full of Dark Angels. Lola froze, her legs wouldn't move and her mind seemed to go into a frozen blur. Everything she ever knew seemed to crawl out of her ears and for a moment she was wondering what she was doing here.

Her mind seemed to click when she saw one of the Dark Angels, none of her nerves would listen as it stalked over to Lola. It towered over Lola when it stood before her, but the Dark Angel didn't grip her violently or try to knock her out or anything.

"Well I'll be," she said folding her bony arms.

"You'll be what?" Lola managed to say.

The Dark Angel laughed as she circled Lola, "I have to admit, this is quite impressive," she informed. She soon stood before Lola again, "May i?" she asked almost politely, her bony hands out before her. Without Lola's consent she started running her fingers over Lola's face, stretching her skin as if she was convinced she was wearing a mask, "Wow..." the Dark Angel said as she released Lola face.

"Oww..." Lola groaned as she held her cheeks, she felt like she had been pinched by several Grandmothers.

The Dark Angel gave an ugly smile, "I have to admit, I thought the Dark Lord only gave Mistress Elinor this luxury to try out. But you seem to fit it quite well," she informed as she kneeled to Lola's size, "but you are short."

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