Episode 22

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Yoongi drove home from the shop, pissed. He was fuming and livid with Jimin. When he told Jimin to cut his ties with his ex, he didn't mean to cut ties, with a kiss at the end. He slams the front door and walks straight to the kitchen for a drink. He stands there for a long while, the bottle clutched in one hand, and a half-filled glass in the other. 10 minutes pass until Jimin's car is heard in the driveway. Seconds later he comes walking in. Yoongi pays no attention to him, he doesn't even look up as Jimin slowly close the door. 

''Yoongi, look at me.'' Jimin says in a pleading and apologetic tone. 

He does simply that. He looks up, taking a sip of his alcohol. 

''I'm sorry.'' 

Yoongi sucks in a breath, before speaking. ''When I told you to go and ends things with her, I didn't mean end it with a kiss,'' Yoongi explains. 

''She kissed me, and, I don't know what happened.'' Jimin defends. 

''I don't know either.'' 

''I don't understand why you're even mad, you obviously didn't trust me enough, and followed me there. What? to see if I would actually end things?'' Jimin asks, now his anger showing. 

''Oh, is that what you think. No, I went to the shop, and I overheard all the nice things you said about you being taken, and not single, and how things had been over with her since this started.'' He ends by pointing between the two of them. 

''You still followed me! You weren't even supposed to see that.'' Jimin argues. 

''The fact that I wasn't supposed to see it makes it better?!'' Yoongi shouts, and Yoongi doesn't shout when he's angry. He usually, shuts out. But being pissed off by Jimin is way more emotional, then if it was Haru standing in front of him. 

''No it doesn't make it better, but I didn't give you complete shit when you kissed Haru,'' Jimin mumbles the last part. 

''Correction, you did. You almost left. Remember that's the first time we had an argument and made it up with sex.'' Yoongi reminds him. 

''I don't know what you want me to say or do.'' 

''I wished you would have thought about it, before kissing her.'' 

''For the last time, I didn't kiss her. She kissed me.'' 

''And what, your arms suddenly went numb and you couldn't push her away?'' Yoongi asks, expecting an answer. 

''For fuck's sake, I don't know what the hell you want me to do. It happened already. Go back in time and redo it?'' Jimin says becoming aggravated. 

''Yes, that is exactly what I wished you could do,'' Yoongi responds. 

''Well, I can't do that, and if you still feel some type of way, too bad,'' Jimin says, looking at anything but Yoongi as he immediately regrets saying that. 

''Still feel some type of way-'' Yoongi cuts himself off. ''You know what, just leave,'' Yoongi says, turning away, and walking u the stairs. 

''Ugh!'' Jimin exclaims and walks out slamming the door behind him. 


Jimin walks through his house door, completely pissed off with himself for allowing Hye Na to go that far, and on top of that, letting Yoongi see him. He very much doesn't like the fact that Yoongi followed him, whether or not he had a probable cause. But even then, if Yoongi hadn't caught him, he would have kept it from him. So in all, he really is at fault and hated that argument. It wasn't pointless, but it was completely his fault, and if Yoongi is pissed off with him, he isn't in the wrong. 

''Who pissed in your cereal?'' Taehyung asks, coming from upstairs.

''What?'' Jimin asks, barely listening to him. 

''I heard you come in, slamming the door. That means you're pissed off.'' 

''Yoongi and I are fighting.'' Jimin mumbles. 

''Oh, your second fight. Wow, you're racking up a record.'' Tae mocks. 

''It's not fucking funny!'' Jimin snaps and walks over to the couch. 

''Okay, sorry! What happened?'' Tae asks, sitting next to him and rubbing his back. 

''Okay, don't scold me for this. But, he made me call Hye Na, to end things with her.'' Jimin starts. 

''Wait? You never did? You have been dating someone entirely different for three months! You slept with Yoongi for God's sake. For the first time, must I add.'' Tae looks at him, completely shocked at his words. 

''I know, I know. And, I went to the shop and met her there. And everything went great, I ended things.'' Jimin continues. 

''That's great, so why did you two fight?'' 

''After I left the shop, Hye Na followed me. She spoke her mind and kissed me. Yoongi was just walking outside and saw a 45-second long kiss, with my ex-girlfriend. A kiss, where I took way too long to pull away.'' Jimin cries and collapses on Tae as he says the last words. 

''Poor thing, but one question. Why didn't you pull away?'' Tae asks, out of curiosity. 

''Ugh,'' Jimin sits up, wiping his eyes. ''I don't even know. I wish I did. I wish I pushed her off of me as soon as she kissed me.'' Jimin reminisces his earlier action. 

''But why didn't you?'' 

''I don't know! Are you going to keep asking me that, when I'm bawling my eyes out?'' Jimin says, aggravated. 

''It seems to me, that maybe you didn't want to pull away, or push her off of you'' Tae concludes. 


''You don't know why you didn't pull away or push her off, is it possible, you didn't want to?'' 

''Okay, now you're speaking nonsense.' Jimin stands up. ''I broke up with her, for Yoongi, why would I want the feeling of her kissing me again?'' 

''Ah, technically, you and she were in the midst of working things out, when you started dating Yoongi. You never truly ended things. You just placed it to the side.'' Tae corrects him. 

''Okay, but now I ended things. So no, I don't need you to tell me what I'm feeling and what I'm not.'' Jimin says, with a slight hesitation in his voice. ''Now, I'm going to go cry my ass in bed.'' Jimin turns and goes up to his room. 

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