Drama Queen

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Marcus tried to get up as silently as he could, glancing over at Y/N a few times to make sure she was still sleeping. He knew she had been studying very hard and barely got any sleep because of the stress so he wanted her to sleep in now that her exams were over. He wasn't allowed to sleep over during the exams themselves because she said that he'd only distract her and that she couldn't afford that, as much as she loved him. So he'd obliged and stayed away, settling for texting her in the morning and calling her in the evening to see how she was doing. But yesterday, he had gone over to her place as soon as practice was over because she had had her last exam and they had made up for the time they had lost while she had been studying.

Almost tripping over some clothes that were on the ground, he made his way into the kitchen. Her apartment was a mess but she had used the excuse of not having had the time to clean because he'd come over too fast and the fact that during the exam period, her room was always chaotic with papers lying everywhere so he should have been happy that it wasn't that extreme. It wasn't far off, in his opinion. He smiled and shook his head. She was very disorganised but that was just one of the reasons why he loved her. He was sure that if her head wasn't attached to her body, she'd lose it somewhere.

Five minutes later, he was cooking her breakfast, planning to bring it to her and wake her up with the smell of freshly baked bacon. His plans were twarted when he felt 2 arms snake around his waist and someone lean their head on his back.

"Hi baby," he said, taking one of her hands in his and lifting it up to his mouth to press a kiss to it.

"Morning, beans." Y/N answered, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder blade before pulling away from him to open the fridge and take out some orange juice.

"What are you making?" she inquired, glancing at him from where she was pouring orange juice in two glasses.

"Your favourite. I was going to bring it to you in bed but you're already up so..." Marcus said, taking the pan off the stove and putting the bacon on a plate, which he then put on the table.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm still used to my exam sleeping schedule." Y/N chuckled, taking two plates and some cutlery from the cupboard and placing it on the table.

"It's okay," he said, grabbing the toast out of the toaster and hissing when it was a little too hot. Y/N snickered, ignoring the small glare he sent her way.

"Don't laugh at me. That shit's hot and it hurts." Marcus insisted, cradling his hurt hand in his other one and pouting a bit. Y/N rolled her eyes and put down the butter she was holding, going over to Marcus and grabbing his hand.

"Ooh, is my poor little boyfriend hurt? Do you want me to kiss it better?" When he nodded his head, trying to stop the grin from spreading on his face, she rolled her eyes again but placed a small kiss on his hand. He could be a little bit of a drama queen sometimes. She blamed Jesse for that.

"My lips hurt too." Marcus said, now unable to contain the smile on his face.

"Sure they do." Y/N snorted but placed both of her hands on his cheeks anyway and pressed her lips against his. Yes, he was a drama queen sometimes. But he was her drama queen. And she wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

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