The clouds of the storm have taken over. I can barely see past them. They are dark and grey. They are blinding me, I can barely see the sun. They are filled with poison and they cloud my judgement. They prevent me from seeing the beauty that I used too, they prevent me from seeing what is really there. Instead of seeing light, I see darkness. They show me all my fears and they show me past thoughts that I never wanted to see again. They show me my insecurities and my doubts. These clouds are filled with poison. I can't seem to make them go away no matter how much I try. Even after a heavy rain storm they remain. The sky never clears. Even when the sun is shining bright the clouds are still there. I just want them to go away.
My inspiration...
Poetry"She is so fragile. Everything breaks her heart, But nothing can mend it." - Peyton (me) This is a book filled with my poetry and it may contain some trying times in my life I've decided to share. You can interpret my poems the way you'd like. You c...