CH. 1 - My Family Burdens

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Authors Crazzy Comments: There can be absolutely no copy's of this story. All the ideas, scenes, characters, and the plot are thought up by me; the author. This story is a YA fiction/paranormal type setting. If you have a problem with the rather unsettling relationships between the characters that's your problem ... And you probably shouldn't read it.
But for those of you who do continue on please comment, vote, read, and follow! Thanks Lovelies!! 😄>

Chapter One - My Family Burdens
POV - Chloe Griffin

My name is Chloe Griffin and I'm seventeen. I have simple brown hair with carmel brown eyes.
I work two jobs, take many of the hardest classes in my high school, and along with my singing and journalism; I have after school things to do as well.
My family consists of my parents Jenny and Jeff and my three brothers Carder, Cale, and Chris.
My dad owns several buisness in North America, making me; the only daughter, spoiled more than her three older brothers. My father is a hard working man who stays late alot and only ever spends time with us when he's on vacation or its the weekend. But I'm not a soffty who needs her daddy at every audition she gets a chance at.
It's my fathers job to work and provide for us four kids and its my job to carry on the memory of my mother and face burdens and strugles head-on, alone. I dont care if I have to do everything in my own way. I feel I am independent and strong-willed, because these characteristics will ensure that I make my dreams come true.
My mom died giving birth to me so I had gone my ninth grade year of high school living a depressed life. It hadnt been easy knowing that I'd killed her. She'd given her life to give me mine so I obviously owed everything to her. That past year of my life I'd gone completly numb; never wanting to be loved or taken care of.
That is until my twin brother told me to suck it up and live for the both of us. So thats what I've done. working hard each and every day in order to honor my mother and ensure that I make her proud of my accomplishments.
Three brothers, those two words speek for themselves.
My twin brother; that I love deeply, is Chris. He's the brother that has a mouth that makes you not want to ask for his opinion ever again. He's a very outspoken person and looks out for me when I get picked on by my other brother. Chris has shaggy brown hair and brown eyes just like me.
My brother Chris and I had a relationship unlike the rest of our siblings, but that didn't give the relationship I had with my other brothers any less meaning.
Carder is the oldest of all of us and is going to collage after he finishes his job this summer. Carder's personality is loud and joking. He has short brown hair with blue eyes and I'm sorry that I'm related to a person like him.
But also he has an aweful mean streak. If he's just broken up with a girl or upset about something he drinks. Haveing anger problems in the first place and then drinking when angry is a bad combination.
A combination I speak with from experience. A very bad experience.
Since it was only a month ago today however, I try not to think about it much. Basicly what had happened was that Carder had been unstable one afternoon and had taken it out on me. He hit and beat me from top to bottom, then in his own sick and twisted way he said sorry by locking me up in his room that whole night. You can think of what had happened next.
Cale was the exact opposite of Carder. Coming into the world as the second oldest of my siblings he is the most generous and talented person I've ever known. He'd helped me through the most challenging events in my life, including when Carder had taken his anger out on me.
It had been that morning at 7:13 AM when I had woken up, I remember the exact time because the numbers on the clock had looked so large to me. Marking the end of my abuse.
My eyes were red and puffy, my hair a mess, and my soft pink nightgown rising over me. I got up feeling as numb as I did when I had belived I'd killed my mother. Uable to comprehend what must have happened to me.
Carder wasn't in the room since he got up every morning at 6:00 to go to school. It had been the start of spring break for my school so I was happy for that one soul reason. Since it was the start of break I hadn't had to wake up to Carder's face. I planed to never bring it up to him, never tell anyone, I would just keep it to myself. It'd just be another memory I'd have to carry.
Anyway; in my hast to get out of the horrific environment that was his room I tiptoed swiftly out the door and into the hallway. I turned right to run down to my room that was at the end of the hall. My room was my sanctuary because that's were I could lock my door and keep everyone out. But instead of running straight to my room I found myself bumping into my brother.
Cale stood: crossing his ankles, hands in his pockets, with his back up against the wall. After bumping into him I'd looked down; unable to meet his cool gaze because I'd begun to cry. My older brother bent down onto his knees, took his long graceful fingers he used to play the piano and wipped away the first teardrop that ran down my face.
Then without saying a word: he got up, straightened out the tux he was waearing, laced my fingers with his and took me to his room. With that gesture I sobbed and sobbed, unable to contain my emotions any longer. I began wishing that I'd stayed in Carders room or that I'd gone the opposite way down the hall; any action I could have taken to prevent what had happened with Carder last night a second time.
When Cale got up from whipping away more tears my body stiffened, I closed my eyes and waited. Waited for it to happen again. Just waiting.
However when nothing happened I opened my eyes. Cale was placing spotless white gloves over his hands, tightening the tie on his suit, and then walking over to me he bent down again for the third time.
In that heartfelt moment I realized what 'actions speak louder than words' truly meant. Cale lifted me in his arms and took us over to the mini grand piano that he had up against the far wall by a window. Using his actions he played a song that mimiced my feelings but in a way stopped my tears.

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