Daoming Si - Little Spoon ?

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The first month of break after school was much needed and well worth it. Two days after Daoming Si got home , you two packed up and made a trip to Hawaii for a vacation together, your first official vacation together that didn't include the rest of the F4's band. It was romantic, intimate, and calm; just about everything you both needed after 6 month of long and hard studying. 

The second month of break was hell. Si had gone stir crazy being in the house for so long. At first, it was fine and you two easily found activities to keep each day new ans entertaining but by the second week in, he was finding every excuse in the book to get out of the house. But you didn't blame him.  You tried to stay calm and stop thinking about worst.

Unfortunately for you at he beginning of the third week, Daoming Si got sick. it started as a mild cold. He was a coughing mess but could manage, but by day two, he was cooped up in bed, with a fever that just wouldn't go away.

"Do you want something to eat ? I can make soup" you cooed, gently pushing his hair away from his forehead.

"No", he rasped. "I'm not hungry."

"You sure, love ? You haven't eaten anything all day."

"Aren't you like, supposed to starve a fever ?" He grumbled. He was grumpy because, on top of not feeling good, he hadn't slept well and you knew he was tired. Si could function on little to no sleep but he was a mess when he was sick and sleep deprived.

" I dunno. I'm not a doctor", you huffed. "Crackers ? Some toast ?" 

"I told you I'm not hungry." he snapped and promptly turned away from you, curling his legs up to his chest and pulling the blankets all the way up under his chin. You sighed quietly and left the bedroom, knowing it wasn't worth it to argue with him when he was feeling so miserable. You headed to the kitchen and start some soup. Even if Si didn't eat it right away you knew he would eventually, plus it froze well which meant you'd be able to eat it as leftovers.

You had just finished putting the noodles in the pot when a groogy Daoming Si walked down the stairs. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were red and puffy and you figured he'd just woken up from a nap.

He threw his arm around your waist, leaning the majority of his body weight on you as he held you from behind. "I'm sorry", he mumbled, resting his warm forehead on your shoulder.

"What?" you asked and spun around, leaning against the counter as you looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I yelled at you and you didn't deserve that. You were just trying to help and I was a jerk and I'm sorry." He apologizing, sniffling and then turning his head, coughing hard into his elbow.

"You need to go back to bed", you told him, rubbing his back as he continued his coughing fit.

"come with me" he begged, his voice hoarse.

"Ten more minutes and I will."

"No. Now," he whined.

"I have to finish the soup. I promise as soon as it's done and put away, I will join you in bed"

"M not leaving until you come." and true to his word, Si waited in the kitchen with you, pratically dragging you up to bed when you had put the whole pot in the fridge.

You climbed under the covers with him, smiling as he rested his head on your chest, trucking his frame against your much smaller one. "Daoming Si, a little spoon ?" you gasped playfully . Si always insisted on being the big spoon, saying it was emasculating to be the little spoon and that he was the protector, which meant he was the one to always hold you.

"Shut up", he murmured. You giggled softly, carding your fingers through his hair. "I swear if you tell anyone, I will kill you"

"Go to sleep babe" you hummed. It didn't take long before you could hear his snores. With a soft laugh, you reached for your phone, snapping a quick selfie of Daoming Si all curled up against you. 

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