Part: 1 California

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Authors note: ( hey guys! Hope you guys enjoy this story! This is my first story and I'm going to try my best! I'm always open to ideas and critiques! This is all just for fun so I hope you enjoy!!❤️)

Emma's p/v
I can't believe it, today is finally the day. The day where I am moving to Los Angeles. So your probably wondering why the heck I'm moving to Los Angeles. Well I'm a YouTuber, and I'm moving to Los Angeles to try and grow my platform and do more collabs. And the actual reason is because I dropped out of high school and I have to try and do something with my life. So right now I'm driving in my Subaru to my new apartment. All I have in my car is a blowup mattress and a suitcase of clothes and my bare essentials. I would be lying to you if I said I wasn't terrified, I know nobody and I have no clue what I'm doing, but I know this is what I want so even if it scares the shit out of me, but I have to do it. After a long drive I finally arrive at my apartment and I drag my luggage up the stairs. Not gonna lie to you guys my apartment is kinda sketchy. Atleast now with nothing in it. I start blowing up my mattress when I get a text from from Ellie.
Hey Boo! You at you're apartment yet?
Yeah just got here, why?
No reason! Gtg! Talk to you later!😘
I shut off my phone. That was weird. But hey it was Ellie. About five minutes later there's a knock on my door. My heart instantly starts to beat faster. Who in the world would that be! No one knows that i live here besides my parents and close friends and neither of them live anywhere near here. I swear to god if I'm getting kidnapped on my first day here... I slowly walk twords the door and open it...
" OMG ELLIE!! HANNAH!! FUCK YOU GUYS YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" I yell as I grab them in for a huge hug.
" What are you guys doing here" I ask.
" well we knew you were moving in today, so we thought we'd surprise and you know help you move in!" Explained Hannah.
"Wow you guys are the best. But there's not much unpacking to do. I only brought my necessities for now, my moms coming in a few days to bring the rest of my stuff.
" oh that's fine we can hang out tonight, and maybe tmr do some shopping". Suggested Ellie.
" sounds great" we responded.

We spent the whole night hanging out and it was honestly amazing. I hadn't seen my girdies in so long, we had so much to talk about. Like our love lives, well they had a lot to talk about , I didn't. Usually 12 year old boys don't have much of a love life anyways. They made me feel so amazing but I still felt a little homesick. We hung out for the next few days until it was time for them to go home. I was so sad that they were going home, but my mom was coming tmr so atleast I'd get to see her.
We were at the airport waiting for Ellie and Hannah's flight when I got a dm from the one and only James Charles. Once I read I dropped my phone.
"Omg" I breathe
"What"! Asks Hannah "what's going on"?
"I just got a dm from James Charles!"
" what! No way! What did he say!!" Ellie picks up my phone off the dirty airplane ground.
"Hey Emma. Love you're videos! I heard you just moved to L.A, I would love to film with you! Bye sister!❤️" Ellie reads the text.
"Oh My God EMMA"! Hannah squeals.
"This is amazing"! Ellie yells.
"James Charles wants to film with me... I can't believe this."
Flight 3B is now boarding.
"Oh shit" Hannah says "we gotta go".
We hug quickly.
"Guys wait what do I say" I yell.
"You say yes Emma, duh" yells Ellie as she walked away to her flight.
Then I was alone.
He's one of the most talented up and coming Youtuber's of all time. He wants to collaborate with me. It was crazy. Maybe my dream career as a youtuber, would actually become a reality...I quickly texted James back. I was so excited. The next day my mom came and it was nice seeing her, except that she begged me to come back home again (she thinks I'm too immature to live alone) and it made me even more homesick. We spent time unpacking and buying things for my apartment, but it didn't keep my mind off of James's request. It had been almost 3 days and still no response. Maybe he'd changed his mind. Between now and then I had uploaded a new video... maybe he saw it and hated it and thought better of it.

Wait a minute. What's wrong with me. I have never been so nervous and ashamed of my content before. You know what! If James Charles doesn't want to film with me than fuck him!! I don't need him. I can make it on my own.
I look at my phone.
James Charles:
Hey Emma! Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I accidentally broke my phone two days ago and just got a new one. I'm so happy you want to film a video! I'm so excited Sister!! Send me your schedule and we can work something out.❤️
I was so happy. I couldn't even explain. This is amazing. I immediately sent James my schedule. He responded right away.
James Charles:
Geeezzz. Talk about a sister situation, our schuedule's are complete opposites. We won't be able to film for two months. Unless...

Emma: unless what?

James Charles:
Well I'm filming with the Dolan twins on Saturday, maybe you could join us..?
*The fucking Dolan twins! Are you joking! Holy shit. I've only had a crush on them for 17 fucken years.
Emma: Like a three way collab?

James Charles: love a good three way 😂😂 you down?

Emma: Of course.

A collab with The Dolan Twins and James Charles. I think I like it here ...

Authors note
Hey guys! Sorry no ethma yet! We're just getting started... they'll be more next time. If you have any suggestions don't be shy and leave them in the comments!❤️

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