Chapter 1

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It started small at first; glances at mothers and their children standing behind ropes and railings at events or despatches of planes.

Jimmy would smile warmly at the children, never thinking when he was younger that he'd ever want any, but now, realizing how happy the parents were, he suddenly found himself jealous.

He and Robert had been together for a little over a year now, keeping their relationship hidden and out of eye of the public in fear of being rejected by families and their fans. The relationship had taken a toll on both of them in terms of pretending there was nothing but friendship between the two, but they made it work.

When Jimmy and Robert went to perform, Bonzo and Jonesy would be tuning their instruments or dressing themselves fashionably and wouldn't pay any attention to the two men as they nuzzled each other with kisses and hugs before stepping out into the crowd. Bonzo and Jonesy didn't care, they never did anything to them, so they didn't mind.

Jonesy would chuckle sometimes at the thought of it, he'd never thought he'd be best friends or in a band with two men dating, but he paid little to no care about the situation.

Bonzo was happy for the two, they were finally happy and even if they couldn't share that with the world, they at least had a safe zone in the band and behind the stage.

It was early on a Saturday when Jimmy decided he was to propose an idea. The two were off tour and had to be at the studio within a few hours and Jimmy, tangled within the fur sheets of his bed and Robert's legs, could see those hours either going by quickly or dreading on.

He brought his fingers to Robert's chest and lightly walked them over his collarbones and ribs, touching ever so slightly as to not wake him; the more time he had to prepare, the better.

As he brought his finger over Robert's peck, his hand was pushed away with a quick slap.

"Stop it." Robert scolded, his eyes still closed yet his breathing was heightened.

Jimmy pulled away to bring his hand under the covers and mumbled a guilty 'sorry' to his lover.

"I didn't mean to wake you-" Jimmy started.

Robert spoke blankly, eyes still closed as if he was still asleep yet they'd cringe and wrinkle ever so often as he did so, "You didn't wake me," he moved his eyes beneath their lids, "It only tickled." he lied.

The truth was, Jimmy's soft voice was causing blood to rush through his legs and his adrenaline to hike in numbers as he grew painfully hard. The only thing hiding this was the lucky chance he'd had had turned over enough to have his leg covering his crotch.

"oh." Jimmy lowered his voice and blushed slightly at Robert's words. He considered muttering another apology before he stopped by Robert, again.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm up now." Robert opened his eyes and sat up, the sheets rolling up at his waist, he stretched his arms outward and groaned loudly at his muscles pulling. Robert rubbed his eyes roughly to adjust to the light of the room, the sun was shining through the windows and was hitting almost painfully on the men's bodies; nearly suffocating their legs and chests beneath the covers in a humid heat.

Jimmy laid still beside Robert as he stretched, playing out the situations of the very few and limited options he had to propose his idea. Anything could happen if he were to say his thoughts and it seemed that any way he acted the conversation out, it was ending badly.

Robert turned to Jimmy to see him leaning back against the headboard and pillows, looking down at the foot of the bed in thought.

"You good, love?" he asked, dropping his arms to his blanket covered thighs rather harshly, making a 'poofsh' sound.

Jimmy seemed to wander in his daze for a few seconds before realizing Robert was talking to him and looked up to him.

"oh! Yes, darling, I'm good," Jimmy turned his head back to the covers and finished with: "just thinking, is all."

Robert nodded his head, looking to the covers as his golden locks fell over his brow, creating a defined shadow over his eyes. Noticing this, he brought his hand up to twirl the strands of hair in his hands.

"What about?" Robert asked, not bothering to look to Jimmy as he began to braid the strand.

Jimmy almost sighed deeply before he realized that'd probably be a bad choice on his part; immediately announcing to Robert that it'd be a bad thing he was tossing around in his mind. Instead, he only widened his eyes, the only expression he could make without making any noise to alert his boyfriend of the pressing matter at hand.

"uh-well, haha" he chuckled nervously, "I, uh-"

Robert smiled at Jimmy's nervousness, letting his hands drop to his lap, leaving the braid to unfurl.

"What is it?" Robert laughed at the situation, if he was being honest, he was scared at what Jimmy was hiding from him. He was seriously considering the fact that it was possible Jimmy was calling it off with him.

Jimmy then looked to Robert , "I wanna baby."

Robert rose his eyebrows at this and looked to the side of the room before back to Jimmy.

"I'm sorry?" he chuckled and pulled his hair back behind his ears, "You want to have" he gave a confused look.

Jimmy shook his head, bangs swishing, "No, not- not me," he chuckled as if Robert was the one with the crazy idea. "I wanna, ya know, adopt." he folded his hands together in his lap.

Robert leaned to the side "adopt?"

"Yeah, adopt." Jimmy almost scoffed, in the moment, to Jimmy, he couldn't understand how big of a thing this was to dump on someone at 7 in the morning on a Saturday. He wished Robert had just nodded his pretty head and said: 'yes, that sounds like a great idea.' but of course, he had to have a long ass conversation he wasn't looking forward to and was already losing interest in.

"Well, I mean, jimmy-love, that's a really big thing to decide on doing," Robert brought a hand up to his hair and gripped it into a bundle above his brow "We don't even know how to take care of a pet, let alone a kid!" he exclaimed.

Jimmy looked to his hands again, "I know, I know, it's just-" Jimmy sighed deeply as he felt the urge to cry and his voice cracked at his next words. "I see parents with their kids all-all the time, a-and whether or not it's at a show or just us going out'n I just want to be able to experience that." he wasn't sure if it was what he was talking about that made him start crying or if it was that Robert hadn't said anything within those few words and hadn't made any change in his expression that it made Jimmy feel almost as if he was alone in the situation.

Robert waited for him to finish before he crawled over to the now crying man and wrapped his arms around him, holding jimmy as close as he could.

"shh, I know," Robert ran a hand through the smaller rocker's hair, "Hey, how about we talk to the rest of the band and see what they think..." he paused, "they'll probably be able to help us find a good center and a way for us to adopt."

Jimmy turned from Robert's arms to look at him questionably, "So we'll get one?" he immediately seemed to chirp up.

"You know what, why not?"

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