Chapter 1

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"Tryouts for Brave Warriors"

The sign plastered on the workshop's brick wall read

The duck in front of it flapped its tiny wings in order to see it.

But alas, he could only catch a glimpse.

Swiblet was his name and he was going to be a knight! Or at least he thought. The mallard had dreamed about this day ever since he was a little duckling with feathers as yellow as the sun. Sure, humans would laugh at him for "dreaming too big" but he wasn't the kind to back down. No siree! He was sure that this was the day that he would make his mark!

"If only i weren't so short, I would have known the age requirement." He said to himself. 

He, then heard what sounded like a fight going on. He waddled his way over to the crowd growing bigger with each second.

"Look, missy. Sorry to break it to you, but you stand no match against me im the competition."

A blonde man loomed over what seemed like a girl with short brown hair with a ribbon to accompany it, pale skin, amd gray eyes. She looked about 16. 

"Competition?  What are you questioning about?" The girl asked. Blondie gave a confused look.

"The competition of the bravest warrior in the land."

Her eyes beamed with confidence. "There shouldn't be a contest about that! Just by looking at me...." She pointed at herself "I AM THE GREASTEST WARRIOR IN THE LAND! Come on! Give me all you got! I can take it!" The female then started laughing.

Swiblet was shocked "That guy is almost twice her size! Is she crazy?" He thought as he looked into her eyes, which were showing her fiery passion.

The guy threw a punch at her, but she blocked it with one hand without flinching. The crowd, along with Swiblet, gasped. 

The girl only smiled as she proceeded to flip him over, slamming his whole body to the gound. She grinned and waved at the audience as they went wild.

The guy regained conciousness and suddenly turned her around, grabbing her by the collar. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!"

"CRAP! HE'S GONNA KILL HER! I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" The bufflehead looked around to find something to attack the blonde with.

A wooden board leaning on a wall.

Surprisingly convenient!

He ran over there and grabbed it. It must've weighed a ton to him, but he didn't care. All he cared about was saving people from a beating.

Swiblet quacked as he leaped in the air and smacked the guy behind the head. He fell to the ground one last time before passing out. The crowd cheered for the duck as he panted. 

"Did I really just do that?" The duck had never felt that good in his entire life. Yeah, he had pretended to save the day many times before, but he never actually did. Hus beak formed a smile as he walked away happily. He was so proud that he didn't hear the voice calling out to him.

"Hey! You!"

Swiblet turned as he saw the same kid who he saved running towards him.

"That was very impressive! Like, did you see the look of his face as you whacked him? He did NOT see that coming! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?  Is there some secret training involved that I could learn?" She continued to ramble as she observed the duck. Swiblet sweatdropped.

"Woah woah, heh. Slow down. W-where are your parents?"

"Back in Lumino City. I'm on a mission."

"For what?" The duck cocked his head.

"THAT I cannot tell you!" The girl shouted.

"C-can you at least tell me your name? I'm Swiblet."

The girl stuck out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Swibllet! My name is Galaxy!"

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