The New Year's Girl (Camren Short Story)

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Plot: "Depressed and moody, Lauren Jauregui gets coaxed out of the confines of her stuffy apartment for a night on the town with her best gal pal Dinah. Quickly, Lauren discovers that love, at first sight, can indeed occur and that New Year's Eve can easily become the best holiday around."

Happy New Year Sweeties!! xxx <3

Hope you enjoy this New Years update!


Lauren Jauregui ran through her small apartment, racing towards her bedroom. Her motions faltered once she was in proximity with 'the' door, her feet nervously scuffing at the shiny hardwood floor. Taking a deep breath, she took the last step forward, turned the knob, and slowly pushed open the door. She stood in the threshold, watching a dark-haired man shove random pieces of clothing into a large duffle bag. Lauren was speechless, he was actually leaving, he had said it many times before, but this was the real deal, they were actually...over.

Finally gathering up enough courage, she walked into the room, wishing to God she was invisible. Setting down on the king sized bed, she fiddled with the comforter as her gaze fell to the floor. Letting dark hair fall into her line of sight, she noticed, from beneath the thin layer of hair, that the man had stopped his packing and was now staring at her.

"You're actually leaving?" she croaked, just barely getting the words to form and leave her lips.

"Yea...I think we need some time."

"Brad, come on, it was just a small fight...Why throw away two months over something so..."

"Don't you dare say stupid!" The man cried, sizing up the nervous raven-haired.

Taking a step towards her, he knelt down and tilted her chin up towards him, making her look into his eyes. Scared green eyes peered up at him beneath the veil of dark hair. He always hated when he made her upset, but this wasn't something 'stupid' as she would like to class it, it was him!

"I don't see why you don't want to meet my parents," he said, softening his voice. "It's important to me that you meet them. We've been dating for two months now, Lauren, their going crazy waiting to see you..."

"I'm sorry...I just...can't"

Looking into her eyes he noticed something he had never seen before, fear. She was afraid; there wasn't any reason to be afraid unless...unless she wasn't planning on being with him for as long as he wanted to be with her, wasn't planning on committing. 'She doesn't love me...' he thought, pulling himself away from his now ex-girlfriend.

Picking up his full duffle bag, he hefted it on his shoulder and began walking out into the hallway. Making his way through the apartment, he heard the soft pounding of footsteps following him; he knew she was going to make this hard for him. But this time, she wasn't just going to give him a look and make everything better, no, this was final!

"Brad!" yelled Lauren, chasing down the hall after him. "Brad wait!"

Stopping at the front door, Brad turned around and looked at the disheveled girl before him. Dark hair was flung around her shoulder in disarray, her eyes glossy, and tear stains tainted her cheeks. Groaning at the pathetic and displeasing display, he shook his head, realizing she was penetrating him with the, oh so famous 'look'.

"Lauren, there is nothing to talk about! It's over, we're over." Reaching for the doorknob, all of his motions stopped when he heard four strangled words fling at him, hitting him directly in the heart.

"But...I love you..."

"You don't know what love is, Lauren! You may think you love me, but in reality, you're in love with the idea of being in love. Once you decide what you really want...give me a call..."

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