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I wake up and realize I'm on the floor. "why the hell am I laying on the floor?" I ask and ever one jumps. "oh um elsa... we were just, um" hiccup starts then slams his computer shut. "what is it! on your computer?" I ask ad he sighs then opens it. "it a picture of a brain. "look. this is you Brain. the blue parts are the normal parts and the red parts are you powers." hicc says and the picture shows the red side eating away at the blue side. "if the red side kills all the Brian cells in the blue side you'll die." hiccup says as jack slaps his arm. "don't tell her that!" jack tesla at hiccup. "how long to I have?" I ask
"Well, over half you Brain is red now, 57% I think so you have 43% left. and ever day you lose 5% so um..... about 8 and half days." he say and I sigh. "Who cares, my life is shit anyway! my parents are dead and My sister too. I don't have a very good school life either!" I say. "Hey! don't says that. you still have me and I'll I'll always be here for you! I will love you forever!" Jack yells. "Well looks like forever isn't long enough." I say and walk outside. "wait!" I hear jack yell before I slam the door.
When I'm outside I see lily finally showing up in her car. "hey" she says and I get into the front seat. "take me home" I say and she nods.
After packing my bags. I get in my truck and drive to the train station. I jump out and leave it there. I really don't care at this point.
I'm waiting for the train to get here when I hear a voice yell stop! jack. "what do you want?" I ask him, lily, and hiccup. "you can't leave"
"And why is that?" I ask and jack hugs me. "because I love you, because we all do." jack say letting me go. "well then goodbye. I'm not going to stay here and die. I'm going to let you guys carry that Berden for the rest of you life!" u yell and jacks face turn into a small grin. "no.no! if you leave I will follow you to the ends of the earth! I'm NOT leaving you!" he yells and I sigh. "Fine! I'll stay! what ever! but when I die! you'll know it! you'll be so sad that you couldn't help me! and I don't care!" I scream at them. "but elsa I maybe able to help you. I have to find my grandmothers book. there could be something in there." hiccup says and I give him a weak smile. I love these people. ALOT!

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