Choosing Day

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This was the day. This was the day Katniss would choose her faction. Either she'd leave.. Or stay.

They walked to the building where they held the choosing ceremony.

There where numerous names called. "Peeta Malark" she said, he walked up. Dauntless.

"Gale" she said, he walked up. Amity.

"Primrose Everdeen" she said, oh no. But-but Prim is too young for this. This couldn't be happening, no. "Mom" Katniss shook her moms arm "what?" her mom replied, "P-Prim is too young" Katniss looked worried. . Her mom didn't. "No she isn't." her mom said, "yes she is! It's 16+!" Katniss slightly yelled at her. "Rules changed, it's now 12+" . . Rules? What? The rules never changed. . Well at least outside of Dauntless. .

Katniss watched Prim, "you can do it. Choose the right one." Katniss said to herself, she studied Prim's motions. She took the knife, cut her hand, gritted her teeth, and choose, she picked Amity. Good. Prim would be with her parents and that was good.

"Katniss Everdeen" she called, Katniss stood up, her mom and dad did too so that she could walk down, they patted her back.

There she was. Katniss stood there look at the bowls, she picked up the knife and cut her hand. 'Faction Before Blood' rang through her head. Katniss chose Dauntless. Her mom cuffed her mouth and cried.

The Dauntless compound cheered and welcomes Katniss.

Katniss in "Divergent"Where stories live. Discover now