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It was March. The snow which was covering everything during the winter, was already melting and it uncovered spring flowers, such as snowdrops.
The sun was shining and everything was quiet, but you could hear birds that woke up from their winter break and now they were looking for a mate, singing lovely songs of love.

I was taking a walk in our local forest. I was really enjoying it. The sun was shining through icicles and it created different shapes on the ground, which looked so beautiful and elegant. 

I took a deep breath. I really love walking in the forest. I truly like the smell of trees and nature in spring. It's like you can smell the nature coming to life again after a long rest.

Suddendly my phone rang. I picked it up and I heard my mother's voice. "Jin, where are you? Are you still in the forest?" she asked with a worried voice. "Yes mom. I'll be home in 15 minutes." I said and smiled. She always worries about me so much.

I wanted to say something more but I heard a strange sound behind a big tree. "Mom, I have to go. I have a really bad signal here." I said and I canceled the call.

I walked over to the tree and I saw...a boy. He was sitting under the tree, looking defeated and he was mumbling something, which I couldn't hear properly. The strangest thing was that he was half naked, he was only wearing black trousers and a pair of red shoes. I also noticed strange purple marks all over his body, they kinda looked like bruises, but they were small, it seemed like he was beaten by some small object over and over again.

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly and kneeled down to him. He slowly looked at me. He had beautiful brown eyes and grey hair, but one of the eyes had a huge bruise on it. It was purple and I barely could see his eyeball.

"Please....." he said in a whisper. "Please go away." He then tried to push me but a hiss came out his mouth and he held his stomach. I was really confused. He looked really bad, he was probably in pain and he wanted me to go away? Who else would help him? 

I shaked my head. "Dude, you look really bad. You look like some gang came and beat the shit out of you. You are coming with me." I said.

He didn't say anything. I helped him to stand up, but he almost fainted when he tried to stand by himself, so I just took him on a piggyback ride. He refused at first but I insisted, so he just gave up. I think he knew he doesn't have a choice.

My mother wasn't very happy when we got home. I can say that she was furious that i brought a stranger home and she also took her sandal and threw it at me. After few minutes of shouting at me, how irresponsible, too nice and trouble-bringing I am, she was finally able to calm down and I quickly explained what happened. The guy didn't say a word, he was just standing in the hallway, trying not to fall down from weakness. Mom wanted to throw him out immediately, but when she saw him, holding onto the doorframe and shaking, she only gave him a sad look. Then she frowned and turned back to me. 

"Take him upstairs and tell him to take a shower. But tell him to NOT use my expensive soap! Give him the old one and also one of the older hand towels. Then tell him to come downstairs." she told me angrily and went to the kitchen, mumbling something about how our house turned into a homeless charity.

I did everything that mom told me. It was interesting that the guy didn't say a word, but followed all my instructions. After few minutes I proceeded to come down to the living room, where my father was sitting and reading newspaper. As always, he didn't try to stop mom from scolding me, he didn't even tell anything about the guy. I think he knew that it was impossible to change my mother's mood when she was angry. He looked at me from behind the newspaper and then he looked upstairs.

"That guy looked like he was ran over a truck and then thrown into a hole with lions." he said. "I wonder what will your mom do about him."

I nodded.

"Me too."

This was my first story in English but I'm rewriting it so it will be more professional and neat.
I hope you'll like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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